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《灵界经历》 第3786节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3786

3786. They are less free who think themselves free

I realized, and knew from previous experience [3782], that when spirits speak or think through someone else, they are pouring their own desires and convictions into the other spirit, so that the other spirit supposes he is speaking and thinking on his own, for one who acts out of desire and conviction, imagines he is doing so on his own and in freedom.

[2] This I also [knew] from the experience that spirits speaking through someone else consider the other through whom they are speaking as nothing [3633]. This shows that a spirit who assumes he is thinking and speaking from himself, and consequently that he does so in freedom, is in fact a servant to the greatest degree, and in the eyes of other spirits as nothing, scarcely a slave - for they can make use of him as a mere dead tool. But still, spirits are displeased and grow angry when this is told them, thus being willing to be viler than servants in the eyes of other spirits as long as they seem in their own to be masters. Therefore one is in a much better state who realizes that others induce thoughts and speech upon him or her.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3786


It was perceived and noted from former experience that spirits, while they speak or think through another, infuse largely their cupidities and persuasions into the other spirit, from whence he supposes that he speaks and thinks from himself; for whoever acts from cupidity and persuasion, he thinks he does it from himself and in freedom. From experience also [it was evident] that spirits speaking through another consider that other through whom they speak as nothing. Hence it appears that he who supposes that he thinks and speaks from himself, and is thus in entire freedom, is then in fact in the deepest bondage, and in the eyes of other spirits is as nothing, scarcely even a slave, for they can use him as a mere lifeless instrument. But still spirits are indignant and angry that this should be said, being willing indeed to be deemed by others viler than slaves, provided that they are their own masters in their own eyes wherefore he is in a much better state who perceives that others induce upon him thoughts and discourse.

Experientiae Spirituales 3786 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3786. Quod minus liber sit, qui se liberum putat

Perceptum, et notum ex priore experientia [3782], quod spiritus dum per alium loquuntur aut cogitant, quod infundant suas cupiditates persuasiones alteri spiritui, inde putat spiritus alter quod ex se loquatur cogitet, qui enim ex cupiditate persuasione, is putat ex se in libertate; tum ab experientia, quod spiritus per alium loquentes considerent alium per quem loquuntur, ut nihil [3633] ; inde constat, quod qui putat ex semet cogitare loqui cum sic, libertas ei, quod tunc sit maxime servus in aliorum spirituum oculis ut nihil, vix ut mancipium, nam eo possunt uti ut mero instrumento mortuo: at usque indignantur irascuntur spiritus quod dicatur hoc, volentes sic esse in aliorum oculis viliores servis, modo in suis videantur sibi domini; quare in multo meliori statu est, qui percipit, quod alii inducant ei cogitationes loquelas.

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