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《灵界经历》 第3791节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3791

3791. About the portrayal of mental imagery

In a state of mind midway between sleep and wakefulness, closer to sleep, a tooth was wonderfully portrayed. It was not in the shape of a tooth, or anything like a tooth seen in wakefulness. I could not tell, nor express, what it was, but I perceived it as a tooth, which upon desire was turned into something like curdled milk.

This originated from the speech of the heavenly ones, expressing their desire that earthly qualities might become like what are symbolized by that tooth. This showed what kind of a mental image exists in that state of mind, the meaning of which is well known to inward spirits, even though it had not the shape or appearance of a tooth, but was only perceived as a tooth so that it would be known that earthly qualities are symbolized. There was also portrayed something wide and flat in place of a tooth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3791


In a state intermediate between sleeping and waking, but verging nearer to sleep, there was remarkably represented a tooth. It was not in the form of a tooth, nor of anything similar to a tooth. When in the waking state I could not know still less express, what it was, but simply that a tooth was perceived, which, according as the desire was, was turned into something resembling coagulated milk. This was from the speech of the celestials, that they desired that natural things should become such, they being signified by the tooth. It thence appeared what kind of an idea is given, which in that state, and thus by interior spirits, is well known as to what it is, although there was no form or appearance of a tooth, but solely the perception of one, that it might thence be known that natural things were signified. There was also something broad and as a plane represented for a tooth.

Experientiae Spirituales 3791 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3791. De ideali repraesentatione

In statu medio inter somnum et vigiliam, propius ad somnum, repraesentabatur mirabiliter dens, non erat in forma dentis, nec quicquam simile denti, cum in vigilia, non potui scire minus exprimere quid esset, sed quod dens perceptum, qui sicut desiderium erat, verteretur in quoddam quasi coagulatum lacteum; id ex loquela coelestium, quod desiderarent ut naturalia talia fierent, significata per dentem, inde constabat qualis idea quoque datur, quae in statu isto, sic a spiritibus interioribus, bene noscitur quid sit, tametsi nulla forma et apparentia dentis, sed solum erat perceptio dentis, ut inde sciretur quod naturalia significentur; erat quoddam latum sicut planum pro dente repraesentatum.

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