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《灵界经历》 第3792节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3792

3792. Certain ones imagined in their sleep that they were about to attack me. They were also dreaming, just as I was, that they were besieging a certain castle, after the capture of which they were going to attack me. I had woken up in the dream, speaking with those who imagined they were awake, talking about the castle they were besieging, and saying that they would seize me next and tear me to pieces. They imagined that at that time they had been fully awake, as I clearly learned from them, but I told them they were dreaming, which they would hardly acknowledge, still speaking as though it had really happened. At length, I think, they acknowledged that they had been dreaming. This is what the life of such spirits is like, namely, that while enveloped in dreams they suppose they are awake and have such fantasies. 1748, 1 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3792

3792. Certain spirits supposed themselves in their sleep about to attack me; they dreamt also, as I did, that they would lay siege to a certain castle, upon the capture of which they would attack me. Awaking from the dream, I spoke with them, and they also deemed themselves awake, speaking of the castle which they were to besiege, after which they would seize and plunder me. They supposed themselves to be altogether awake, which I perceived from them, but I said to them that they were yet dreaming, though they were scarcely sensible of the fact, yet they said that the thing had so taken place. At length, I think, they acknowledged that it was in a dream. Such is the life of such, that while dreaming they imagine themselves to be altogether awake, and such phantasies do they have. - 1748, November 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 3792 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3792. Quidam me aggressuri putabant in somno, somniabant quoque sicut ego, quod castellum quoddam impugnarent, quo capto me aggressuri, evigilatus eram in somnio, loquebar cum iis, qui putabant se esse in vigilia, loquentes de castello quod impugnarent, et quod me dein occuparent, et diriperent; putabant se prorsus tunc fuisse in vigilia, quod manifeste percepi ab iis, sed dicebam eis, quod essent in somnio, at vix agnoscebant, usque loquuti quod factum sic, tandem ut reor, agnoverunt quod in somnio; talis est vita talium, ut dum in somniis, putant se esse in vigilia; et quod tales phantasias habeant. 1748, 1 Nov.

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