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《灵界经历》 第3793节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3793

3793. About the Quakers

For several days Quaker spirits were with me who claimed to be the holy spirit, and some were even sent into the world of spirits who were told that they had been Quakers, and others wanted to show them where they had been and what they had been like on earth. For this is easily done in the other life, when it is permitted and granted by the Lord. Due to their presence with me for several days, I was given to see what they are like, namely that they claim they are from eternity, and are the holy spirit, and care for nothing less than the Lord, against Whom, insofar as their restraint was let loose, they burst out insultingly, yet cunningly, because it is their nature to say nothing openly. So their deceit I found to consist in the fact that while they dare not disclose their thoughts, yet they do so when in secret, constantly fearing that someone may hear. For this reason they also begged to be alone, then they would tell many things. So they are deceitful in secret, their nature of wanting to hide their own things restraining them. This kind of deceit differs from other kinds.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3793


Quaker spirits have been for some days with me, who boast of being the Holy Spirit, and some have been sent into the world of spirits, of whom it was said to those [there] that they were Quakers, and others wished to show them where they had been and what they had been on earth; for this is easy in the other life when the Lord permits it. From their presence with me for several days it was given to perceive of what quality they are, namely, that they vaunt themselves of having existed from eternity, and of being the Holy Spirit. They care for nothing less than the Lord, against whom, as far as the bond of restraint was loosened, they inveighed contumaciously, but subtly, from the nature which they had contracted of saying nothing openly; wherefore their deceit was evinced to consist in this, that they dare not divulge their thoughts, but as far as possible act in secret. They are continually in fear that some one may hear; wherefore they besought that they might be alone, when they would speak freely. The subtlety therefore operates in a secret manner, their nature withholding them [from publicity] because they wish to practice concealment. This kind of deceit differs from others.

Experientiae Spirituales 3793 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3793. De Quakeris

Per aliquot dies apud me fuerunt spiritus Quakeriani, qui se spiritum sanctum venditant, et quidem aliqui in mundum spirituum missi, qui quod Quakeri fuerunt, iis dictum, et volebant alii iis ostendere ubinam fuerint, et quales fuerint in terra; nam hoc in altera vita, permittente et concedente Domino facile est; ex praesentia eorum per aliquot dies apud me, percipere datum, quales sunt, quod nempe se praedicent ab aeterno, et spiritum sanctum, et nihil minus curant, quam Dominum, in Quem, quantum relaxatum iis vinculum, invecti sunt contumeliose, sed subdole, ex natura eorum, quod nihil palam dicant, quare dolus eorum in eo consistere expertus, ut non ausint propalare cogitationes, at quantum in occulto, faciunt, timent jugiter ne quis audiat, quare etiam petebant, ut soli essent, tunc multa dicerent; quare in occulto dolosi sunt, retrahente eos natura eorum, quod occultare velint sua; differt hoc genus doli a caeteris.

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