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《灵界经历》 第3797节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3797

3797. About Quaker spirits

Restraint was relaxed upon Quaker spirits who declare themselves to be the holy spirit. Then at once they rushed in fantasy upon an innocent person who happened along, who was with me. But because they were fantasizing as they do in life, they were unable to arouse him, but just seemed to catch sight of him, and then to maltreat him. This kind of fantasy can be called an illusory fantasy, when they imagine he is there, but it is only an illusion of things, instead of the things themselves, which appear to those who do not know any better as if they were real. But anyone to whom the Lord grants it knows that it is only an image of their fantasy that produces his likeness, as if he were there. So there is no other medium, but only a fantasy thus formed into his image - which is also an aerial fantasy. Such are the illusions of these spirits, in keeping with their nature, because they declare themselves to be the holy spirit. And certain spirits believe this, and that they are from eternity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3797


The bond of restraint was loosened to Quaker spirits, who declare themselves to be the Holy Spirit; and they at first rushed by phantasies upon a chance innocent person who was with me, but because they acted by phantasies, as they were wont to do during life, they could not excite him, but they seemed to themselves to see him, and thus to ill-use him. Such a phantasy may be called an illusive phantasy, when they think it is really a person, while yet it is nothing else than their phantasy in place of persons, and which to those who are not aware of the truth appears as if it were the reality; but when the Lord grants he knows that it is only the image of their phantasy, that induces a likeness as if it were the persons himself; so that there is no other subject, but only a phantasy formed to his semblance, which is also an aerial phantasy, such as are the illusions of these spirits agreeing to their nature, because they boast themselves of being the Holy Spirit, and this some believe, and thus that they are from eternity.

Experientiae Spirituales 3797 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3797. De spiritibus Quakerianis

Relaxabatur vinculum spiritibus Quakerianis, qui se spiritum sanctum praedicant, tunc primum in obvium insontem ruebant phantasiis, qui apud me, sed quia phantasiis agebant, sicut solent in vita, non eum excitare poterant, sed sibi videbantur videre eum, et sic male tractare eum, talis phantasia potest vocari phantasia illusiva, cum putant esse eum, sed non est nisi phantasia eorum, quae loco eorum, quae iis qui non sciunt, apparet sicut idem esset, sed cui Dominus concedit, novit quod solum imago eorum phantasiae inducat similitudinem tanquam esset: sic ut ne quidem sit aliud subjectum, sed modo phantasia sic formata in ejus imaginem, quae est quoque phantasia aerea: tales sunt illusiones horum spirituum, congruentes naturae eorum, quia spiritum sanctum se praedicant, et hoc quidam credunt, et sic quod ab aeterno.

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