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《灵界经历》 第3798节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3798

3798. When they tried to maltreat the fantasy they had created, casting him into an abyss, lifting him thence, attempting to dash him on the way against the cliffs, and also compelling him toward adulteries, then the wicked aura of their adultery was strongly sensed by spirits and by myself - a diabolic aura because it was saturated with adultery - and wherever they encounter a medium, they try to affect him or her with the aura of adultery, the whole aura being composed of it. Such is the aura of their holy spirit, which continued breathing forth from them for quite a long time.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3798

3798. When they attempted to evil entreat the formed phantasy by casting it into the abyss, then by raising it up, aiming to dash it in the way against the rocks, and also by impelling it to adulteries, then the abominable sphere of their adultery was manifestly perceived by spirits and by myself, which [sphere] is diabolical, for there is nothing in it but adultery; and whenever it finds any subject, they endeavor to affect him with this sphere of adultery. The whole sphere is as it were such; such is the sphere of their Holy Spirit, which has, for a sufficiently long time, breathed itself forth from them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3798 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3798. Cum phantasiam formatam male tractare conati, in profundum conjiciendo, inde tollendo, conantes illidere in via contra scopulos, et quoque ad adulteria cogendo, tunc sphaera nefanda eorum adulterii spiritibus et mihi manifeste percepta, quae diabolica est, nam nihil [nisi] adulterium in sphaera, et ubicunque aliquod subjectum offendunt, adulterii sphaera afficere conantur, est quasi tota sphaera talis, talis est sphaera spiritus sancti eorum, quae satis diu ab iis exspirabat.

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