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《灵界经历》 第380节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 380

380. There are other states besides that afflict souls

Aside from the states [of fantasy] mentioned [377], there are also other ones, like thinking they are carrying people on their backs who interrogate them unceasingly until they have gotten the right answer. Carrying such [spirits] is burdensome for them, and they cannot get rid of them before the time for release has come.

Some [are afflicted] differently: they lie on their backs on a downward slope, and there they want to stay. There are some there who comfort them, but they are content with their lot; for their outermost part has been removed.

There are also those who wander about, and wherever they come, ask whether there is any work for them that needs doing. After being answered that there is no work, they go on farther, and they keep this up until they find work. 1747, the 23rd day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 380


Besides the states mentioned, there are also others; for instance, [souls] suppose that they are carrying men on their back, who question them without stopping until they have found a true reply; they carry them as a burden, nor can they be released from them before the time of separation comes. Some are [afflicted] differently: they lie on their back on a downward slope, and there they desire to stay; there are those there who comfort them, but these are content with their lot, for the extreme [suffering] has been removed. There are also those who wander about, and wherever they go they inquire whether there is any work for them which ought to be done; after a reply that there is no work, they go on further, and this until they find some. 1747, Dec. 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 380 (original Latin 1748-1764)

380. Praeterea 1

sunt alii status, qui affligunt animas Praeter status memoratos, etiam sunt alii, nempe quod se putent gestare homines a tergo, qui eos interrogant, nec omittunt antequam invenerint responsum verum, tales portant cum onere, nec ab iis dissolvi possunt, antequam tempus solutionis venit. Quidam aliter, jacent supinati, et in declivi deorsum, ac ibi morari cupiunt, sunt qui eos ibi consolantur, sed ii sunt contenti sorte sua; extimum enim amotum est. Sunt etiam qui pervagantur, et ubicunque veniunt, quaerunt, num aliquis labor iis, qui faciendus; post responsum, quod nullus labor, ulterius pergunt, et sic usque dum inveniunt. 1747, d. 23 Dec.


1. The Manuscript has Praetereae

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