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《灵界经历》 第377节

(一滴水译本 2020--)

377.来自肉身生活的各种各样的幻象跟随着灵魂。诸如人们在肉身生活中所拥有的幻象不跟随灵魂进入来世,但它们会转化为未知的其它幻象。因此,对应于他们生活的某些幻象就会衍生出来,如前面(151, 271, 273, 330, 363节)所提到的劈柴人和挑水人。那些在人世间曾以任何方式很暴力并且无情的人,会朝令人难以置信的残忍进行转化,因为他们想残杀他们的同伴和凡他们所遇见的人,用斧头砍碎他们,以各种花样来折磨并拷打他们;他们从这些残忍行为中获得如此大的快乐,以致它们就是其至高无上的乐趣。




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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 377

377. Various fantasies follow souls from their life in the body

Fantasies such as they had during their life in the body do not follow souls [into the other life], but they are turned into different ones, unfamiliar to them. Therefore certain fantasies conforming with their life are put on, such as the wood-cutters and water carriers spoken of earlier [Gen. 4:10], enjoy tormenting a person even to drawing blood, at the sight of which they have the greatest pleasure. So an unmerciful life is turned into such fantasies, which are unrecognizable to the souls.

2. ) From greed, fantasies of offensive and filthy little animals break forth, such as worms, mice, and other kinds, beyond number, that have never been seen on earth, and also, foul lice. They take on a form according to the quality of their greed, and according to the intention that stirs their greed.

3. ) One fantasy of the diabolical gang is to want to be in latrines. When they look at an outhouse, they think it is their home, finding it exceedingly enjoyable there, and imagining it to be their heaven. This has become known to me by much experience. 1747, 22 December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 377


The phantasies such as men have in the life of the body do not follow souls, but they are turned into others which are unknown. Thus certain phantasies corresponding to the life are derived, such as the hewers of wood, and the drawers of water, mentioned before [nos. 271, 273, 330, 363 ]. Those who on earth have been in any way violent and unmerciful are turned to a cruelty incredible, namely, they want to slay, hack to pieces with axes, torment and torture in most diverse ways their companions and whomsoever they meet; and so greatly are they delighted with these cruelties that they are their supreme delights.

(1) Those who are bloodthirsty, of whom blood is predicated, are delighted to torture man even to blood, at the sight of which they are most highly delighted. Thus the life of unmercifulness is turned into such phantasies, which souls cannot [but] acknowledge.

(2) From avarice burst forth the phantasies of horrible and filthy little animals, such as the dormice, the mice, and innumerable other creatures which have never been seen on earth, also phantasies of filthy lice; for they are formed according to the quality of the avarice, and according to the disposition on account of which they are avaricious.

(3) It is a phantasy of the diabolic crew to want to be in privies. When they look at a privy they suppose that their home is there, with which they are greatly delighted, and there they suppose their heaven to be, which has been made known to me by much experience. 1747, Dec. 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 377 (original Latin 1748-1764)

377. Quod variae phantasiae sequantur animas ex vita corporis

Phantasiae, quae fuerunt in vita corporis non sequuntur animas, quales fuerunt, sed vertuntur in alias, quae ignotae sunt, ita phantasiae quaedam correspondentes vitae trahuntur, sicut lignarii, et aquarii de quibus prius [151, 271, 273, 330, 363]: qui in terra violenti fuerunt, immisericordes, quocunque modo, vertuntur in crudelitatem incredibilem, quod nempe velint socios, quoscunque inveniunt mactare, securi dividere, excarnificare, cruciare diversissimis modis, ac iis tantopere delectantur, ut summae eorum delectationes sint; qui sanguinolenti sunt, de quibus praedicatur sanguis, ii delectantur cruciare hominem usque ad sanguinem, quo viso maximopere delectantur; ita vita immisericordiae in tales phantasias vertitur 1

, quas non agnoscere possunt animae. Ex avaritia erumpunt phantasiae animalculorum tetrorum et spurcorum, sicut glirum, murum, et innumerabilium aliorum, quae nusquam visa sunt in terris, tum foedorum pediculorum, formantur enim secundum avaritiae qualitatem, et secundum animum, propter quem avari sunt. Phantasia diabolicae turbae est velle esse in sentinis; quando sentinam spectant, putant ibi domicilium 2

eorum esse, quo maxime delectantur, et ibi putant coelum suum esse, quod multa experientia notum factum est. 1747, 22 Dec.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript vertuntur, quod autem forte stabit, ad sanguinolenti referens

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition domicilia

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