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《灵界经历》 第3801节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3801

3801. Suddenly then someone appeared before me at a short distance, clothed in a beautiful snow white garment, having a human face and bared head, with hair as it appears on those with a bared head. Then suddenly there was a dark cloud beneath him, into which he sank, and disappeared. I wondered who it was, and why he had sunk into the cloud. And a little later, in the dark, emerging somewhat as to the head, he appeared holding a bottle of dark red wine which he drank up, and then disappeared.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3801

3801. Suddenly a certain one appeared before me at a little distance, clad in a beautiful snow-white inner garment, of a human aspect, with uncovered head, the locks appearing as with men whose heads are naked. An obscure cloud immediately appeared beneath him, into which he plunged and disappeared. While I was wondering who he might be, and why he became thus immersed in the cloud, his head was shortly afterwards obscurely seen emerging a little, and he seemed to have a flask of red or dark colored wine, which he drank off and disappeared.

Experientiae Spirituales 3801 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3801. Subito tunc visus quidam ante me ad paucam distantiam indutus indusio pulchro niveo, facie humana, capite nudo, cum capillis ut apparent homines nudo capite, tunc nubes illico obscura subter eum, in quam immersus et disparuit, miratus quis esset, et cur in nubem immersus; et postea aliquantisper in obscuro paulum quoad caput emergens, apparuit lagenam vini rubri seu obscuri habere, quod ebibebat, sic disparuit.

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