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《灵界经历》 第3802节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3802

3802. It was said that he was the one who could conquer all, and be conquered by no one. Then he was faintly seen to be among his own in the deep, and they were surprised there, wondering why he could not do anything, when yet they had cherished the persuasion concerning him, as he did concerning himself, that he could do all things, and was therefore perhaps omnipotent. And as I heard, he was saying the Lord's name, imagining that he came forth from Him, thus that he was the holy spirit proceeding from the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3802

3802. It was said he was one who could overcome all, and who could be himself overcome by no one. He was then obscurely seen as being among his own in the deep, and those that were there wondered to what it was owing that he could effect nothing, when they had the persuasion concerning him, as he had of himself that he could do all things, and thus perhaps that he was omnipotent. I heard also that he named the Lord, thinking that he proceeded from him, thus that he was the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 3802 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3802. Dictum, quod is esset, qui vincere omnes posset, et qui vinci a nemine posset, tunc visus obscure quod esset inter suos in profundo, et mirati ibi quid esset, quod nihil efficere posset, cum tamen persuasionem de eo habuerunt, ut is de semet, quod omnia posset, sic forte quod esset omnipotens: et sicut audivi, is nominabat Dominum, putans quod ab eo procederet, sic quod spiritus sanctus esset a Domino procedens.

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