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《灵界经历》 第3811节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3811

3811. The lot of those who proclaim themselves persuasively as born without blemish and thus as the holy spirit, when yet they are more than others wickedly and abominably adulterers, is that because the restraint of conscience has been let loose entirely - they turn out to be the most filthy excrements. For just such a lot awaits those in whom the bond of conscience especially in these matters has been let loose. And I realized that when this bond has been relaxed, they cannot but disintegrate into such filth - with variety depending on the nature of the excretion, some into the offensive mucus of the nostrils.

But this is their first lot, after which they are separated from outside companions and sit in torment, first like tree barks, olive oil lees, and the like, and when severed from their companions, they are horrible likenesses of death. There remains only a society of inward life, of which they are unconscious, for if consociation with inward spirits were withdrawn from them, then they would be deprived of all life.

Now when they have sat thus over a long period of time, perhaps for many centuries, then the outer parts are as if dead, and as it were hardened, then for the first time they are able to be shaped into something and be among outside societies - but to a very slight degree on their own power, and those under persuasion like the ones in whom the bond of conscience is dissolute, scarcely at all on their own power.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3811

3811. The issue with such as boast with persuasion of being born without blemish, and thus of being the Holy Spirit, when still they are, as compared with others, horribly and abominably adulterous, inasmuch as the bond of conscience is altogether loosed [with them], is, that they became the foulest excretions, for such an issue awaits those to whom the bond of conscience is especially relaxed in such things; and it was perceived that when this is the case one cannot fail to be dissolved into such things, according to the different degrees of relaxation, some into the foul mucus of the nostrils. But this is the first result, as they are afterwards separated from external associates, and sit at first in torment, like the barks [of trees], dregs of oil, and such things, and when severed from companions, they are horrid images of death, only there is a certain society of interior life, of which [however] they are ignorant; for if they should be withdrawn from all interior consociation, they would be deprived of all life. When they have thus sat for a long time, perhaps for many ages, then their externals become dead, and, as it were, indurated, and they then can be formed [or molded] into something, and come into connection with external societies, but [they act] very little from themselves: and so with those who are in persuasion like such, and with whom the bond of conscience is entirely loosed, there is scarcely anything of their own.

Experientiae Spirituales 3811 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3811. Exitus talium qui natos se absque naevo, et sic sanctum spiritum esse praedicant cum persuasione, cum prae aliis nefande et abominabiliter adulteri sunt, [est,] quod quia solutum est vinculum conscientiae prorsus, quod in excrementa spurcissima evadant, nam talis manet exitus eos, apud quos conscientiae vinculum in talibus imprimis solutum est, et perceptum, quod cum solutum hoc, non possit quin fatiscant in talia, secundum solutionem cum differentia, quidam in mucum tetrum narium; sed hic exitus est primus, dein separantur a sociis externis, et sedent cum cruciatu, primum, sicut cortices, amurcae, et similia, et cum a sociis dissociati, mortis sunt simulachra horrenda, modo interioris vitae societas quaedam est, quam nesciunt, nam si abstraheretur iis consociatio cum interioribus, tunc privarentur omni vita; cumque ita sederint per multum temporis, forte per plura saecula, tunc externa eorum sicut mortua sunt, et quasi indurata, tunc primum possunt formari in aliquod, ac interesse societatibus externis, sed perparum, ex semet, et qui in persuasione, sicut tales, quibus vinculum conscientiae prorsus solutum, vix quicquam ex suo.

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