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《灵界经历》 第3812节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3812

3812. I saw that these spirits, who retain so little of what is their own, can nevertheless be present in societies, but are scarcely aware of the fact. They are so to speak inanimate mediums as far as their own qualities are concerned, serving in societies as connections, or as in-betweens to provide connections, as certain words do in language that serve only as connections, yet contribute little to the subject because they have no essential content. Whether they can also serve as mediums through whom others speak, without themselves being aware of it, while the others, like some mediums, are, I do not yet know for certain - although it does appear so, for they are almost unconscious of themselves. 1748, 1, 2 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3812

3812. I perceived that those of this quality who retain so little of their own, can indeed belong to societies, but they are scarcely aware of the fact; they are, as it were, subjects, and as to their propria inanimate, and serving in societies for bonds of connection, or as mere insertions in respect to such bonds, answering the same purpose as certain words in discourse, which merely perform the office of connectives, without contributing anything of account to the subject-matter, because there is nothing essential in them. Whether they can also serve for subjects through which others speak, without knowing whether it is themselves or the others [that really speak], as is the case with some subjects, I do not yet know; but so it appears, for of themselves they know almost nothing. - 1748, November 1, 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 3812 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3812. Percepi, quod tales, qui ita parum retinent ex suo, possint quidem interesse societatibus, sed vix scire quod sint, sunt quasi subjecta, quoad propria, inanimata, inservientia in societatibus pro nexibus, seu insertionibus propter nexus, sicut solent voces quaedam in loquela, quae solum nexus causa inserviunt, cum tamen parum ad rem conferunt, quia nihil essentiale iis inest: num quoque inservire possint pro subjectis, per quae alii loquuntur, et ii tunc non sciunt, quod ii sunt, sed quod alii, ut solent aliqua subjecta, non dum pro certo scio, sed ita apparet, nam nihil fere de semet sciunt. 1748, 1: 2 Nov.

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