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《灵界经历》 第3834节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3834

3834. that one says that he who is nothing is the least in heaven, while another says he is the greatest - when yet both are true, and so on; or says that the evil spirits overhead were evil, while another says they are good, another that they are in between with many differences - saying they are evil because they realize they are evil, or that they are good because they realize they are useful; that they are in between with much variety because there are others who are worse, and others by whom a greater use can be performed, and so on in other cases - so that the perception of all is the same, but the spoken expressions so different that they seem entirely dissimilar.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3834

3834. This was also illustrated by the example of one's saying that he who is nothing is least in heaven, while another said that he was greatest, and yet that each was true, and so on. Then again by its being said by some concerning the evil spirits who were above the head, that they were evil; by others that they were good and by others still that they were intermediate, with wide difference; that the evil perceive that they are evil; that the good perceive that they are useful; that the intermediates [exist] with much variety, some of them being worse than others, and others the instruments of greater utility; and thus in regard to other things, so that all perception is one, but the expressions of speech so differ that they appear to be altogether dissimilar.

Experientiae Spirituales 3834 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3834. strabatur, quod unus dicat eum qui nihil est, esse minimum in coelo, alter dicat quod sit maximus, et usque utrumque verum, et sic porro; tum de malis spiritibus qui supra caput, quod essent mali, alter diceret quod essent boni, alii quod intermedii, cum multa differentia, quod mali [quia] percipiunt quod mali, quod boni [quia] percipiunt quod utiles; quod intermedii cum multa varietate, [quia] quod sint alii qui pejores sint, et alii per quos major utilitas praestari possit, ita in caeteris, sic ut omnium perceptio sit una, sed expressiones loquelae ita differant, ut videantur prorsus dissimiles.

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