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《灵界经历》 第3833节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3833

3833. The spirits who were coming forward addressed me, saying that they were human beings. When I told them that they are not human beings such as that term is understood, i.e. people endowed with a body, but that they are spirits - and therefore also human beings, because everything in a spirit conspires toward what is human, thus ultimately toward a form like the body. To this assertion I did not notice on their part any sign of a refusal to confirm it.

They said further that they are dissimilar human beings, or a group in which no one is like the other, but because this seemed impossible to me, that is, that there could be a society of dissimilar individuals, I spoke with them saying that they could still be brought together by the Lord for a single purpose, so that a specific cause would bring them to a certain unity. But they said it is their nature that everyone speaks differently, and yet that they think alike. This was also illustrated by the example

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3833

the next section is 3834

Experientiae Spirituales 3833 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3833. Spiritus qui veniebant antrorsum, alloquebantur me dicendo, quod homines sint, cum iis dixi quod non homines sicut percipitur, corpore praediti, sed quod spiritus, et sic quoque sunt homines, quia quicquid in spiritu conspirat ad id quod hominis est, sic ut tandem ad formam corpori similem; sed non appercepi renuentiam, quin confirmarent. Dicebant porro, quod homines sint dissimiles, seu societas in qua nullus alteri similis, quod quia hoc mihi impossibile visum, quod societas sit dissimilium, loquutus de eo cum iis, quod usque consociari possent, a Domino, ad unum finem, sit ut causa quaedam communis ageret eos ad unum quoddam; sed dixerunt, quod tales sint, ut quisque aliter loquatur, et tamen usque simile cogitent; quod per exemplum quoque illu-

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