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《灵界经历》 第3840节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3840

3840. He was then suddenly looked into by angelic spirits, who are keenly aware of the presence of such spirits, who corrupt the vessels, or mental imagery, so that they cannot stream in. When he was looked at he suddenly stretched out into a long sash right before their eyes, in which he was wrapped up, and then left, so that they were waiting to see what he would do. He tried to unroll himself, twisting the sash in various ways (according to inward fantasies that I was not enabled to perceive, but which I could only see from the way he moved the ribbon). Presently, rolling himself up in the end of the sash, [he passed] through the outer parts of the left eye into the brain, and thence back almost to the junction of the optic nerve; from there he was cast from the eye amongst the hairs of the head.

[2] All this symbolized that as the holy spirit, he desired all spiritual and earthly [knowledge], thus to know all things, according to his notion of the holy spirit. Soon the sash, or long veil resembling a sash, disappeared and made itself almost invisible, as he was imagining, and attempting to show, that he was the holy spirit because he was scarcely visible - this before the left eye, where his inconspicuous presence was amply perceived - in this way to induce the belief that he was the holy spirit.

Later he also displayed something faintly glowing as the light of the holy spirit about which they preach so much, but by which they mean something faintly luminous, but not the light of understanding.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3840

3840. He was then suddenly inspected by angelic spirits, who have an exquisite perception of the presence of such spirits, for they pervert the vessels or ideas, so that they cannot flow in. Being thus inspected he was suddenly extended into a long band [or wrapper] a little before the eyes, and being rolled up was thus left, that they might wait to see what he would do. He attempted to unroll himself and twisted the bandage in every variety of way (:according to interior phantasies, which it was not given to perceive, but only to infer from what he was seen to do with the bandage:). Presently he rolled himself up in the extreme part of the bandage [and passed] through the exteriors of the left eye into the brain, and thence back almost to the [point of] conjunction of the optic nerve; thence from the eye he was cast among the hairs of the head, which signified that because he was the Holy Spirit, he wished to possess everything spiritual and natural, thus to know all things as is conceived respecting the Holy Spirit. Presently afterwards the bandage or long veil like a bandage, disappeared, and made itself obscurely seen, from his supposing and endeavoring to show that he was the Holy Spirit, because thus scarcely visible, and that too before the left eye where yet his obscure presence was amply perceived; in this manner inducing the supposition that he was the Holy Spirit. He afterwards presented to view an obscurely luminous something, as the light of the Holy Spirit, respecting which they are accustomed to say much in their preaching, [and] by which they merely understand an obscurely ominous something, but not [true] intellectual light.

Experientiae Spirituales 3840 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3840. Subito tunc inspectus ab angelicis spiritibus, qui exquisite percipiunt, quod tales spiritus tunc adsunt, nam pervertunt vasa seu ideas, ut influere nequeant; cum inspectus, subito extensus erat in longam fasciam paulo ante oculos, cui involutus, et sic relictus, ut exspectarent quid ageret, ille se revolvere conans, et fasciam torquebat diversimode (secundum phantasias interiores, quas non percipere dabatur, sed solum videre ex fascia quomodo agit) mox se in extremo fasciae involvebat per oculi sinistri exteriora, in cerebrum, et inde retro ad nervi optici fere conjunctionem; inde ab oculo, conjectus inter crines capitis; quae significabant, quia spiritus sanctus, quod possidere vellet omnia spiritualia, et naturalia, ita scire omnia, sicut opinio est de spiritu sancto; mox disparuit fascia seu velum longum fasciae instar, et inconspicuum se faciebat, ita ostendere conans, et putans, quod spiritus sanctus esset, quia inconspicuus, et quidem ante oculum sinistrum, ubi praesentia inconspicua, ample erat percepta; ita inducens putare quod spiritus sanctus esset; postea quoque luminosum quoddam obscurum sistebat, sicut lumen spiritus sancti, de quo multum solent praedicare, per quod solum luminosum obscurum intelligunt, non autem lumen intellectuale.

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