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《灵界经历》 第3839节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3839

3839. That spirit was found to be devoid of conscience, and an adulterer, because he held that adulteries did not matter at all. It was found out from various things that were inspired, for example, by suggesting adulteries, loosening every restraint, delighting in variety, without conscience - whether the party was married, or not, whether a husband or a wife, [did not matter] - this I was able to feel clearly from all that was being inspired. He even inspired another not to worry about spiritual matters or about earthly ones that supported them, which he thoroughly despised and found sickening, vile and worthless.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3839

3839. It was discovered, as to this spirit, that he was void of conscience; and that he was an adulterer - for he held adulteries for nothing - was discovered from various things which were insinuated for instance by his insinuating adulteries, by his loosing every bond, by his delight in variety - all without conscience. Whether he were in the conjugial principle or not, whether he were a married man or a married woman, this I perceived with sufficient distinctness from the things which were inspired; and he inspired a certain other one [prompting him] to disregard spiritual things, or confirmatory natural things, which he totally despised and nauseated as vile and worthless.

Experientiae Spirituales 3839 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3839. Is quod nullius conscientiae esset, compertum, et quod adulter, quia adulteria pro nihilo habebat, compertum ex variis, quae insinuabantur, adulteria insinuando, solvendo omne vinculum, et varietate delectando, absque conscientia, si vel in conjugio esset, vel non, si vel maritus, vel uxor, hoc satis manifeste percepi, ab iis quae inspirabantur; etiam is inspirabat alii cuidam, quod non curaret spiritualia, nec naturalia confirmantia, quae prorsus vilipenderet et nausearet, ut vilia et nulla.

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