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《灵界经历》 第3842节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3842

3842. How inward evil spirits flow in

The deceitful who are overhead had for some time been streaming in, sometimes so subtly that I was unaware that it came from them. For some time a clearer reflection was granted me, today even a clearer one, so that I might observe how they flow into a person's finer thinking. The inflow is such that the person could never become aware that it comes from them, [although] due to a realization given to me by the Lord, I became so clearly aware of it that I felt almost their every single collective way of flowing in. If that realization had not been given, I never would have been aware of its source, let alone that it came from those overhead, but [would have felt it] as if in myself, and from myself, just as the rest of the people imagine and even believe. And that it is from spirits, I can now be more clearly conscious than ever before. When they noticed that I was reflecting on their manner of flowing in, they were very displeased and wanted to withdraw, as they said, but they did not know where to go.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3842


The deceitful [spirits] who are above the head have flowed in for a considerable time and in some cases with so much subtlety that I knew not that it proceeded from them. For some time past a mere manifest reflection has been given me, and today a clearer still, so that I could observe how they flow into the subtle thought of man, which influx is such that man could never perceive the source of it. From close observation granted me by the Lord, I perceived this so manifestly as to notice each one of their common influxes, and if that close observation had not been granted, I should by no means have perceived whence the [influx flowed], still less that it was from those above the head, but [could have taken it to be] in myself and from myself, as other men think and even believe. But that it is from spirits I am now able to know more distinctly than ever before. When they apperceived that I was reflecting upon their influx they became highly indignant and wished, as they said, to withdraw, but they knew not whither.

Experientiae Spirituales 3842 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3842. Quomodo influunt interiores spiritus mali

Dolosi qui sunt supra caput, per aliquod tempus influxerunt quandoque ita subtiliter, ut nescirem, quod ab iis, aliquamdiu data mihi reflexio manifestior, hodie adhuc manifestior, ut observarem, quomodo influunt in subtilem hominis cogitationem, qui influxus talis est, ut nusquam homo percipere possit, quod ab iis, ex animadvertentia mihi a Domino data percepi ita manifeste, ut fere singulos eorum influxus communes, et si non animadvertentia fuisset data, nequaquam percepissem unde, minus ab iis qui supra caput, sed sicut in me, et a me, ut caeteri homines putant imo credunt, et quod a spiritibus, nunc possum manifestius scire quam alioquin: cum apperciperent, quod reflecterem super eorum influxus, indignati sunt valde, et recedere volebant, sicut dicebant, sed nesciebant ubi.

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