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《灵界经历》 第3843节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3843

3843. The things streaming in from them were against the Lord, and against the tenets of faith. They were very pleasing toward every desire that occurred, and whenever they were able to hold a person in some evil desire, they were then in the pleasure of their life, as they were informed. They then imagine they are living as an earthly human being, for they can then appropriate the person's life to themselves as their own; since it is a similar life, they are in company with the person. But where they meet with resistance, as with those who do not allow themselves to be corrupted, but remain steadfast in the faith, with those they cannot live, because such are not in the current of those spirits' life.

[2] They intensely inspire adulteries and hatreds, and labor with the greatest zeal to abolish every bond of conscience, as they try exceedingly hard to do with me. So they are adulterers of the highest degree and devoid of any conscience. Yet they are the ones who especially pass themselves off as the holy spirit, the still more deceitful ones of whom are still higher overhead. Such ones occupy a place overhead, and can be distinguished by that altitude, because they had been of an arrogant spirit, imagining themselves to be the holy spirit, and thus supposing that they rule mankind.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3843

3843. The things that flowed from them were contrary to the Lord and contrary to whatever is of faith. They were exceedingly complaisant to every cupidity that was given, and when they could hold men in any evil cupidity, they were then in their life and delight, as was also said to them. In such cases they suppose themselves to live as the man, for they then appropriate his life as their own, because in a similar life, consequently in society with the man. But where there is a repugnance, as with one who does not suffer himself to be perverted by them, but remains in faith, with him they cannot live, for he is not in the stream of their life. They especially inspire adulteries and hatreds, and labor with the greatest zeal to abolish every bond of conscience, as their intense exertions with me testify; thus they are adulterers of the highest grade, and void of conscience, and yet they are those who pre-eminently boast themselves of being the Holy Spirit, of whom the more deceitful are yet higher above the head. Such hold their place above the head, and are distinguished according to altitude, because they are of a lofty mind, supposing themselves to be the Holy Spirit, and thus that they rule men.

Experientiae Spirituales 3843 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3843. Quae ab iis influebant erant contra Dominum, et contra illa quae sunt fidei; adblandiebantur cuicunque datae cupiditati, et cum possent hominem in cupiditate aliqua mala tenere, tunc in sua vita sunt, et jucunditate, quod iis quoque dictum; tunc putant vivere ut homo, nam ejus vitam tunc sibi appropriant ut suam, quia in simili vita, quare in societate cum homine, at cum repugnant, ut apud eum qui se non ab iis perverti patitur, sed manet in fide, non possunt cum eo vivere, nam non est in flumine eorum vitae; maxime inspirant adulteria et odia, et summo studio allaborant, ut nullum sit vinculum conscientiae, sicut apud me maximopere conati, ita adulteri sunt in summo gradu, et absque ulla conscientia, et tamen ii sunt qui cumprimis pro spiritu sancto se venditant, quorum adhuc dolosiores sunt adhuc altius supra caput; tales tenent locum supra caput, et secundum altitudinem distinguuntur, quia elato animo fuerunt, putantes se spiritum sanctum, et sic regere hominem putant.

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