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《灵界经历》 第3845节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3845

3845. They are ruled by the Lord through heaven, not by an influence from within - because they have no conscience and are utterly opposed to faith - but by outer restraints; for they had been such in their life as feared for their lives, for the loss of respect or reputation, which are the bonds, among others, by which they are controlled.

[2] In this way they are bent by the Lord toward such activities as the Lord grants, and permits, so that not the least thing comes forth from them that is not by grace if it is not evil or by permission if it is evil. For they are brought toward some goodness even by means of outer qualities, but not by means of their own inward ones.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3845

3845. They are ruled by the Lord through heaven, but not by interior influx, because they have no conscience, and are wholly contrary to faith, but by external bonds; for they were such in life as were fearful for their lives, for the loss of honor and fame, which are bonds, and things of this kind by which they are ruled. They are thus bent to such things as the Lord grants and permits, so that there shall be nothing which comes from them, that is not of pardon, if not evil, and of permission, if evil; for they are borne to a certain good also through externals, but not through their internals.

Experientiae Spirituales 3845 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3845. Reguntur ii a Domino per coelum, non influxu interiori, quia nulla iis conscientia, et sunt prorsus contra fidem, sed vinculis externis, nam tales fuerunt in vita, quod timuerint vitae suae, jacturae honoris et famae, quae vincula sunt, et alia, per quae reguntur; et sic flectuntur ad talia, quae Dominus concedit, et permittit, sic ut ne hilum sit, quod ab iis existit, quod non sit ex venia si non malum, et ex permissione si malum; nam ad quoddam bonum quoque per externa feruntur, non autem per interiora eorum.

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