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《灵界经历》 第3849节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3849

3849. Character is formed by means of outer restraints

From those overhead, who were opposing my writing this, I learned that people develop another nature by means of outer restraints which make them appear as good, namely, by fear for one's life, or one's honor or reputation, or for one's gain, or other things one loves; and that those fears, which restrain people outwardly, form a character that makes them not only take care to act secretly, but even to appear as upright when they are inwardly wolves, like the deceitful spirits overhead. This shows what kind of punishments there are in the other life, which at length induce a kind of nature that can hold one back from evils. The spirit is not aware thereafter of the outer restraints, but they still stick with him so that he can be led away [from evils] by means of them in every least respect, for they have become second nature to him, so to speak. 1748, 3 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3849


From those above the head, who would fain have opposed my writing this, I was instructed that by means of external bonds man contracts a nature, so that he should appear good, as for example through fear for his life, his honor, his fame, his gain, and other things which he loves; and that these fears, which are external bonds, induce such a nature, that they not only consult their interest, and work secretly for it, but also that they appear as it were, upright, when yet they are wolves at heart, like those that are above the head. Hence it appears what punishments are in the other life, which at length induce a kind of nature, that one should be able to be restrained from evils. The spirit then is not wholly ignorant of external bonds, but they are so abhorred that in the least things it is led away by its evils, for they have, as it were, infected the nature.

Experientiae Spirituales 3849 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3849. Quod per externa inducitur natura

Ex iis qui supra caput, qui resistebant ne hoc scriberem, instructus, quod homo per externa vincula trahat naturam, ut appareat quasi bonus, nempe per timorem suae vitae, sui honoris, suae famae, sui lucri, et aliarum rerum quas amat, et quod timores isti, qui sunt vincula externa, inducant naturam talem, ut non solum caveant sibi, et occulto agant, sed etiam ut quasi probi appareant, cum tamen intus lupi, sicut sunt dolosi qui supra caput: inde constat quid in altera vita poenae, quae tandem inducunt quasi naturam, ut detine ri queat a malis, vincula externa non rescit spiritus dein, sed usque ita adhaerent, ut in minimis per ea possit abduci, nam quasi naturam fecerunt. 1748, 3 Nov.

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