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《灵界经历》 第3848节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3848

3848. I realized - something that in itself is obvious - that the bond of conscience exists in proportion to the dignity and eminence afforded to goodness and truth, so that the greatest bond of conscience is for the sake of the Lord and thence for the things that come from Him, such as marriage love, which should be held as the most sacred of all loves, and then the love for children, and then further, the loves of those related by blood and marriage. So the bonds of conscience exist entirely according to the succession of loves. 1748, 3 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3848

3848. It was perceived - what is manifest in itself - that the bond of conscience availed according to the dignity and eminence of good and truth, so that the principal bond of conscience is that which respects the Lord, and thus the things that proceed from Him, as conjugial love, which ought to be held the most sacred of all loves; after this, love for children, and then farther, loves according to their consanguinities and affinities; wherefore the bonds of conscience open altogether as loves. - 1748, November 3.

Experientiae Spirituales 3848 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3848. Perceptum, quod in se manifestum, quod conscientiae vinculum se habeat, secundum dignitatem et eminentiam boni et veri, sic ut maximum vinculum conscientiae sit, pro Domino; et sic porro quae ab Ipso veniunt, sicut pro amore conjugiali, qui sanctissimus omnium amorum debet esse, et dein amor pro liberis, et sic porro amores secundum consanguinitates et affinitates suas, quare conscientiae vincula se habent prorsus ut amores. 1748, 3 Nov.

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