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《灵界经历》 第3857节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3857

3857. 1Spirits imagine things to be just as the person on earth is thinking

When I was thinking about persons, and also about places, and in fact without any conscious reflection that I was anywhere else, and was elsewhere only in thought, it was as when the thinking is withdrawn from the body and then the spirits, especially those farther away, do not know otherwise than that the same persons are present that are being thought about and spoken with, nor know otherwise than that they are in the place being thought about. I have noticed this several times, and have told them, nor can they deny it, because they have sometimes admitted it. For they are then not reflecting on place, and such things as would enable them to tell that it is only thought.

[2] This is more the case the farther away they are. Those nearer by, as mediums, have the sort of reflection people on earth have, such as reflection on place, persons, and many other kinds, without which reflection they could not be in society. In the case of those, therefore, who talk to themselves, and think in a withdrawn manner, or who speak by thought, spirits would not know otherwise but that they are real, so they become indignant with them, get angry with them, envy, persecute, and hate them, by thought alone, being thus aroused by spirits who know no otherwise than that those persons are present. 1748, 4 Nov.


1. Following the author's instructions, 3856 is placed after 3854.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3857


While I have been thinking concerning persons, and also concerning places, and that without any distinct reflection that I was anywhere else, and was in thought alone, as when thought is abstracted from the body, then spirits, especially those that are quite remote, know no otherwise than that the very persons are present of whom one thinks and with whom he speaks. So neither do they know otherwise than that they are in the place concerning which one thinks as has been often observed and said to them, and which they cannot deny, as they have more than once confessed that the fact was so; for they are then without reflection of place, and the like, from which they might know that it is mere thought. This is more especially the case the more distant they are. Those that are nearer, are subjects, have reflection like man, as the reflection of place, persons, and other things, without which reflection man could not be in society. Wherefore those who talk to themselves and think abstractly or who speak by thought with all such, spirits do not know otherwise than that the fact is so [or that they really speak]; hence also such persons become indignant, enraged, envious, persecuting, and hostile, solely from the effect of thought, being thus excited by spirits who know do otherwise than that such persons are [actually] present. - 1748, November 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 3857 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3857. 1

Quod spiritus putent ita esse sicut homo cogitat

Dum cogitavi de personis, et quoque de locis, et quidem absque manifesta reflexione, quod alibi essem, et solum cogitatio [erat], sicut dum cogitatio abstrahitur de corpore, tunc spiritus, imprimis qui longius absunt, non aliter sciunt, quam quod iidem personae sint praesentes, de quibus [quis] cogitat, et cum quibus loquitur, tum nec sciunt aliter, quam quod in loco sint, de quo cogitat, quod aliquoties observatum, et iis dictum, nec negare possunt, quia aliquoties fassi, quod ita se habeat, nam sunt tunc absque reflexione loci, et talium, ex quibus sciant, quod solum cogitatio sit, magis quo longinquius absunt, qui propinquius [adsunt], ut subjecta, etiam reflexionem habent, quam homo [habet], sicut reflexionem loci, personarum et plurium, absque qua reflexione homo non potest esse in societate: quare qui secum loquuntur et cogitant abstracte, seu loquuntur cogitatione, apud tales spiritus non aliter scirent, quam quod ita se habeat, quare etiam tales indignantur, irascuntur, invident, persequuntur, odio habent, sola cogitatione, ita excitati a spiritibus, qui non aliter sciunt, quam quod praesentes. 1748, 4 Nov.


1. 3856 conformiter auctoris indiciis post 3854 transtulimus

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