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《灵界经历》 第3856节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3856

3856.* * * They portrayed to me an effigy of those who care nothing for earthly, and still less for bodily things, but only spiritual, in which are heavenly ones, namely, a beautiful naked woman, with only her side turned toward me, her shoulder and part of her arm being visible, and her hair becomingly adorned - imparting to me that those who delight in spiritual things alone without earthly ones, are such as they portrayed. 1748, 4 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3856

3856. * * They represented to me a kind of semblance of those who care nothing for natural, still less for corporeal, things, but only for spiritual things, and in whom spiritual things [wholly predominate], to wit, a beautiful naked woman, whose side only was turned towards me, so that the shoulder and part of the arm was seen and who was becomingly adorned as to her hair. It was insinuated that such are they who are delighted solely with spiritual things apart from naturals. - 1748. November 4.

Experientiae Spirituales 3856 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3856. 1

Repraesentabant mihi qualis effigies eorum, qui non curant naturalia minus corporea, sed modo spiritualia, in quibus coelestia, nempe faeminam pulchram nudam, latere solum mihi obversam, visi humerus, et pars brachii, et decenter ornata crinibus; insinuantes quod tales sint qui spiritualibus solis delectantur absque naturalibus. 1748, 4 Nov.


1. hanc paragraphum in ms. Post 3855 apparentem conformiter auctoris indiciis huc transponimus

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