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《灵界经历》 第3860节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3860

3860. About the general earthly sense

Previously [3160-3165] those were discussed who constitute the general sense. Just now, after having gone to bed late, I heard a long lasting, thundering murmur around the whole region of the occiput, and in fact, coming down from a higher location above the occiput. This was heard by spirits, but who were causing it I did not know, nor were they able to speak, like others, so I was told that they had relation to the general involuntary sense, or that of the cerebellum, while those seen earlier related to the general voluntary sense. It was said that they were able easily to discern human thoughts, but not to explain and utter them - just as the cerebellum discerns all that the cerebrum discerns, but does not divulge it, nor is it able to think or speak it in the manner typical to the cerebrum compared to the cerebellum. It was said that they saw the least details, but because I could not see those spirits, and they were not arousing my thoughts, as did the former spirits, and others, I could not tell that they were exquisitely perceiving all my thoughts, as they now maintain, except from the assertion of others; for the cerebrum is comparatively in turmoil, while the cerebellum is at rest.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3860


Those who constitute the general sense have been previously treated of. Having retired to bed by myself at a late hour, a long continued, soft and gentle kind of thundering sound was heard about the entire region of the occiput, descending from a higher place above the occiput. This was perceived by spirits, but who they were [that made the noise], I know not. They could not speak like others, wherefore it was said to me that they had relation to the general involuntary sense, or of the cerebellum, as those formerly seen had to that of the general voluntary sense. It was said that they could well perceive the thoughts of men, but could not expound or utter them, just as the cerebellum perceives everything that the cerebrum does, but does not publish it, or is unable to think and speak in the way that is peculiar to the cerebrum as distinguished from the cerebellum. It was said concerning these that they could perceive singulars, but as I did not perceive them, nor did they excite my thoughts like the former and others, I could not know otherwise than, according to what was said by others, that they had an exquisite perception of all thoughts, as they now wish to have; for the cerebrum is [comparatively] in a turmoil, but that is in quiet.


1. The subject of this section will be found largely discussed in AC 4325, 4329, and its obscurities cleared up.

Experientiae Spirituales 3860 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3860. De sensu communi naturali

Prius [3160-3165] de iis qui constituerunt sensum communem [actum est] , nunc [mihi] sero tempore cum ivi in lectum, auditus susurrus tonans circum occipitii totam regionem, perstans, et quidem descendens ex altiori loco supra occipitium; quod a spiritibus perceptum, sed quinam essent, non novi, nec potuerunt ita loqui, ut alii, quare mihi dictum quod referrent sensum communem involuntariorum, seu cerebelli, sicut prius visi sensum communem voluntariorum; dictum quod ii percipere bene possent hominis cogitata, sed non exponere et eloqui, sicut cerebellum, quod percipit omne id quod cerebrum, sed usque non evulgat, seu cogitare ita aut loqui potest, quod cerebri est prae cerebello, dicebatur de iis quod singula perciperent, sed quia ego non percepi eos, nec excitarent ii cogitata mea, sicut priores et alii, non potui aliter quam ex dictis aliorum scire, quod omnia cogitata perciperent exquisite, ut nunc volunt; nam cerebrum est in turba, id vero in quiete.

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