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《灵界经历》 第3861节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3861

3861. When their manifest operation into every province of the occiput ceased, or their thundering murmur, their operation was displayed, especially as to where it extended in the outermost parts of the body, first being directed into the whole face, then withdrawing toward the left side of the face, and further, toward the ear. This operation felt like a current of very gentle wind - not like wind, but rather chilly, progressing then from the whole face to the left side of the face, then to the ear, near to which it remained quite perceptibly. By all this was symbolized how that general or involuntary sense had operated from the first times, and how it had progressed, and that today it is near the left ear.

[2] The general natural inflow projects itself especially into the face, and into the region of the loins, the remaining parts being more dependent on the will, or on the muscles by means of the tissues of the cerebrum - but not the face, as is evident not only by the fact that the face is the index of the mind, or of a person's feelings, but also that feelings and desires show themselves on the face, even against the person's will - such as fear, reverence, shame, kinds and types of gladness. I spoke of these, saying, saying that such emotions, among others, appear on a person's face when they occur, as everyone well knows, for one recognizes at once from the facial expression what emotional changes the person is undergoing, which come from the cerebellum, through its tissues.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3861

3861. When their manifest operation into every province of the occiput, or their thundering murmur, ceased, then [the nature of] their operation was shown, to wit, that it extended itself principally over the outermost things of the body, and was determined first to the whole face; that it then drew itself towards the left part of the face, and finally towards the [left] ear, which operation was felt by the influx, as it were, of a very gentle wind, slightly cool, not however, like the feeling of [ordinary] wind. It thus proceeded from the whole face towards the left part of the face, then to the ear, around which it lingered with more manifest sensation. By this was signified what had been the operation of that general or involuntary sense, from the earliest time, and how it advanced, and that at this day it is seated about the left ear. The general natural influx projects itself forth mainly into the face and into the region of the loins. The other parts [of the body] depend more upon the will, or upon the muscles [acting] through the fibers of the cerebrum, but not so with the face, as appears from the fact that not only does the mind, or the affections of man, appear transcribed on the face, but that the affections and cupidities naturally display themselves in the face, without the will of man, as fear, reverence, shame, the various kinds of joy, concerning which it has been said, that such things, and others when they occur, appear in the human face, as it is well known to everyone, that a man may immediately know from the face what are the changes of the mind; this proceeds from the cerebellum acting through its fibers.

Experientiae Spirituales 3861 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3861. Cum cessavit eorum operatio manifesta in omnem provinciam occipitii, seu eorum susurrus tonans, ostensa est eorum operatio, quo praecipue se extendat in corporis extimis, et determinabatur eorum operatio primum in totam faciem, dein se trahebat versus partem faciei sinistram, et porro versus aurem, quae operatio sentita per influxum quasi venti levissimi non ut ventus sentiti, paulum frigescentis, progrediebatur sic a tota facie versus faciei partem sinistram, tum ad aurem, circum quam perstabat manifestius; quo significabatur, qualis operatio sensus istius communis seu involuntariorum fuerat a primo tempore, et quomodo progressa, et quod hodie circum aurem sinistram sit; influxus communis naturalis imprimis se exserit in faciem, et in regionem lumborum, caetera magis a voluntate pendent, seu a musculis per fibras cerebri, at facies non item, sicut constat ex eo, non solum quod faciei inscriptus appareat animus, seu affectiones hominis, sed quod affectiones et cupiditates naturaliter se ostendant in facie, absque hominis voluntate, sicut timor, reverentia, pudor, laetitiae genera et species, de quibus loquutus, quod talia appareant in facie hominis, cum incidunt, praeter alia, sicut cuivis notum est, quod illico, ex facie sciat homo, quae mutationes animi ejus, haec a cerebello, per ejus fibras.

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