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《灵界经历》 第3869节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3869

3869. They are punished also by their own mental imagery

There were with me some who did not have mediums, but were still trying to flow in by means of their most filthy mental images, for which reason they were making their own mental imagery visible near me. It is quite usual in the other life for mental imagery to be displayed visibly, or that by fantasies they can present something visibly elsewhere, when yet it is nothing but fantasy: therefore a certain woman presented before me by a mental image a little child, which I was given to perceive only as a fantasy of someone thus made visible. So she was led to her visible little child, and compelled to seize that object with her mouth as if it were a dog, and then with the dog or mouse in her mouth, to flee to the rear, where she was dreadfully tormented, causing her to vomit, and turned into filth by which such actions are portrayed, for it was a most deceitful act that she was scheming.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3869


There were with me those who had no subjects, but yet endeavored to flow in by the filthiest ideas, wherefore they made their ideas visible with me, which is often done in the other life, viz. [causing] that ideas should be presented visibly, or that by means of phantasies they should be able to exhibit anything as visible in another place, when yet it is in fact nothing more than a phantasy. Wherefore a certain female spirit presented an infant in idea before me, which it was given to perceive as merely the phantasy of something thus made visible. She was brought therefore to her visible infant and was impelled to seize such an object with her mouth, as if it had been a dog, and thus with the dog or [it may be] a mouse, in her mouth, to fly away to the rear, where she was direfully tormented with vomiting, and herself turned into filthiness, by which such things are represented; for that which she plotted was most deceitful.

Experientiae Spirituales 3869 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3869. Quod propriis ideis quoque puniantur

Erant apud me, qui non subjecta habebant, sed usque per spurcissimas ideas influere [conabantur], quare ideas suas faciebant visibiles prope me, quod in altera vita fieri solet, quod ideae sistantur visibiles, seu quod per phantasias sistere possint aliquid sicut visibile alibi, cum tamen nihil sit nisi phantasia: quare quaedam infantem idea sistebat ante me, quod percipere datum esse solum phantasiam alicujus ita visibilem factam, quare adducebatur ea ad visibilem suum infantem, et tale ore suo sicut canem arripere adacta et sic cum cane aut mure in ore aufugere ad tergum, ubi cruciabatur dire, cum vomitu, et versa in foeditates, quibus talia repraesentantur, nam dolosissimum erat, quod molita.

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