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《灵界经历》 第3868节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3868

3868. Such are those at this day who relate to the general natural sense, for now the tissues of the cerebrum have worked their way into the face, and are now taking over what are not its functions, but those of the cerebellum. I also saw the squalor in which they were living, carrying out those butcheries, both when awake and during sleep, but I am not permitted to call this back to mind. It was said they live in dark places, and that they are robbers, and thieves, and the kind who constitute at this day the general natural sense, it was said. So there are also thieves dwelling under the occiput, spoken of before from time to time [2811 ff.], who dwell there, so that what had formerly been the habitation of the heavenly is today that of the worst robbers and thieves, who perpetrate foul deeds. Such today are those especially of Christians who relate to the general sense, of the face, and because they are for the most part adulterers, they also participate in shared marriages - with those especially who are in high positions.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3868

3868. Such are they at this day who represent the general natural sense, for now the fibers of the cerebrum have inwrought themselves into the face, and at present perform the functions which belong not to it, but to the cerebellum. It was seen also how foully they live in their habitations, and practice these rendings, as much in a state of waking as of sleep, but it is not permitted to recollect it. It was said that this is practiced in obscure places, as also that they are robbers and thieves, and that such at present constitute the general natural sense; wherefore it is that robbers dwell under the occiput, concerning whom mention has been frequently made before as dwelling there. Where was formerly the domicile of celestials is at this day the abode of the vilest robbers and thieves, who perpetrate deeds of baseness; such are they at this day who represent the general sense of Christians especially, in respect to the face, and because they are pre-eminently adulterous, they make marriage common, especially with those who are in dignity.

Experientiae Spirituales 3868 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3868. Tales sunt hodie qui sensum communem naturalem referunt, nam nunc cerebri fibrae ingesserunt se in faciem, et quae non ejus functiones sunt, sed cerebelli, hodie faciunt; visi quoque quomodo habitarent foede, et lanienas istas exercerent, tam in vigilia quam in somno, sed non meminisse permissum; quod in obscuris locis dictum, et quod sint praedones, latrones, et tales qui sensum communem naturalem hodie constituant, dictum; quare etiam latrones sub occipitio habitant, de quibus prius passim [2811 ff.] , qui ibi habitant; ubi prius domicilium fuit coelestium, hodie est pessimorum praedonum et latronum, qui foeda patrant, tales sunt hodie qui Christianorum imprimis sensum communem, faciei, et quia ii imprimis adulteri, communia quoque conjugii, faciunt, apud eos imprimis qui in dignitate sunt.

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