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《灵界经历》 第387节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 387

387. There are filthy and foul little animals that attack and torture them

All fantasies that occur because of a forbidden love of the body or mind, have as a companion, or along with them, animals that are offensive, filthy, foul, frightening, stinking, etc., with which spirits are confronted while engaged in their forbidden fantasies aroused by their passions and pleasures, in which they find the most intense enjoyment. As a result, their enjoyments are intermixed with such horror-provoking creatures.

The species of such insects are countlessly many. I have seen some of them displayed, but they are innumerable. Each species is fashioned to image some mixture of fantasies with loves or motives - the fantasies that inevitably follow and accompany earthly-minded persons, who live their life upside-down. From their enjoyments results a most dreadful hell; for as great as the feeling of pleasure in such enjoyments is, so great is the feeling of pain, and of fright, that arises when their worldly and bodily [enjoyments], which they imagine to be heavenly, are turned into hellish ones. 1747, the 24th day of December.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 387


All phantasies which are produced from the love of the body and from illicit love leave with themselves as a companion, nasty, foul, filthy, horrid, stinking, and the like animals, which present themselves before them when they are in those illicit phantasies which their cupidities or pleasures instigate, and in which they perceive their greatest delight: thus their delights are mingled with such things as strike horror. The species of these insects are indefinite in number, a part of which I saw represented; but they are innumerable, composed according to the co-mingling of the phantasies with their loves or ends, all which infallibly follow and accompany natural men who live in an inverted order of life. Thus a most dreadful hell is produced from their pleasures: for to the extent that there is a sense of delight in such pleasures, to that extent there comes into existence a sense of pain and horror when their worldly and corporeal things, which they suppose to be heavenly, are turned into things infernal. 1747, Dec. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 387 (original Latin 1748-1764)

387. Quod animalcula spurca et foeda sint, quibus infestantur et torquentur

Omnes phantasiae, quae fiunt ex amore corporis et animi 1

illicito, comitem habent 2

aut secum animalia, quae sunt tetra, spurca, foeda, horrenda, putida, et similia, quae iis obversantur quum in illicitis eorum phantasiis, quae cupiditates seu voluptates instigant, in quibus maximum jucunditatis percipiunt, sic jucunditates miscentur similibus, quae horrorem incutiunt, species insectorum sunt indefinitae, quarum partem vidi repraesentatam, sed innumerabiles sunt, compositae secundum phantasiarum cum amoribus seu finibus commixtionem, quae omnia infallibiliter sequuntur et comitantur naturales homines, qui in inverso vitae ordine vivunt; ita fit ex voluptatibus eorum dirissimum infernum, nam quantum talium voluptatum sensus jucunditatis, tantum doloris, et horroris existit, quando eorum coelestia mundana et corporea ut putant, vertuntur in infernalia. 1747, die 24 Dec.


1. macula graviter obscuratum in the Manuscript

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has habet

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