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《灵界经历》 第386节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 386

386. Those who indulge in promiscuous practices also seem to themselves to be in underground places

They who had loved a promiscuous life, secretly practicing loose sexuality, likewise seem to themselves to dwell in underground places, like little rooms, furnished with candles, and in fact with women resembling those who were 1[the objects] of their lewd promiscuity in secret. For fantasies take over when they depart from this life, and are turned into scenes of this kind.

But they too are plagued, in a manner suited to the degree and motive of their promiscuities, as if by mice, and by the type of foul insects that the intentions of their lewdness had inwardly been. And even if they do not know that their intentions had been of this nature, yet these are now revealed to them in the form of foul insects and suchlike, until they abstain from them. For souls are at first led by means of fantasies, from which they are gradually turned away.

Thus instead of sensual pleasure they are allotted dreadful fantasies, which then take hold on them, until they so detest the sensual pleasures that they want nothing more of them, and therefore finally turn away from them, even abhor them. So [the fantasies] are according to one's motives, or hidden loves. 1747, the 24th day of December.


1. The original has "sunt," which we understand to mean "are [in their earthly life...]."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 386


Those who have loved a lascivious life, acting lasciviously in a clandestine manner, likewise seem to themselves to pass their time in subterranean places, as in cells furnished with candles, and indeed with such things as are of their lascivious license in concealment; for phantasies reign when they depart this life, and are turned into similar things. But even they also are infested according to the degree and end of their lasciviousnesses, as if by dormice, and by filthy insects of a kind similar to the things which have been inwardly within their lascivious ends; and although indeed they do not know that their ends had been such, they are nevertheless then made manifest by filthy insects and like things, even until they abstain from them. For a soul is taught, at first by means of phantasies, by which they are gradually turned away. Thus in place of pleasure they are allotted direful phantasies, which afterwards take possession of them until at length they so abhor such pleasures that they desire nothing of them any longer; so that finally they are averse to them, indeed abhor them. It thus takes place according to the ends, or the latent loves. 1747, Dec. 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 386 (original Latin 1748-1764)

386. Quod ii qui lasciviis indulgent similiter videantur sibi in locis subterraneis

Ii qui amarunt vitam lasciviosam, clandestino modo lasciviendi, ii pariter in locis subterraneis, sicut in cellis, candelis instructis versari [sibi videntur] 1

, et quidem cum similibus, quae sunt eorum licentiae lasciviosae in, abscondito, nam phantasiae regnant, dum vita excedunt, et in similia vertuntur; sed etiam ii quoque secundum gradum et finem lasciviarum infestantur, sicut a gliribus, et ejuscemodi insectis foedis, quae fuerunt intus fines eorum lasciviae, et quidem tametsi ignorant quod tales fine fuerint, usque tunc manifestantur per foeda insecta et similia, usque dum iis abstinent, nam ducetur 2

anima primum per phantasias, a quibus ita sensim avertuntur; ita pro voluptate sortiuntur diras phantasias, quae dein eos occupant 3

, usque dum ita voluptates abhorreant, ut nihil earum amplius cupiant, sic ut demum eas aversentur, imo abhorreant: ita secundum fines, seu amores latentes. 1747 die 24 Dec.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. nisi legeris docetur

3. The Manuscript has occupunt fortasse emendatum in occupant

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