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《灵界经历》 第3871节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3871

3871. Moreover, I was attacked throughout the night by many, many such spirits even worse than the others, by whom I was surrounded, so that [good] spirits were beginning to lose hope of my being delivered from them. They said that I had been protected by the Lord through the whole night, for they were the worst, as those were who have just been described, as well as those beneath the occiput, and those who relate to filth and the present day general natural sense, made up as they are of a huge gang of robbers, thieves, and the worst adulterers and adulteresses.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3871

3871. I was, moreover, during the whole night infested by a multitude of such and other pernicious spirits, by whom I was surrounded. When the [good] spirits began to despair of my being delivered, they said that I was protected through the whole night by the Lord, for they were most villainous, as now described, both those who dwell under the occiput, and those who represent the general natural sense of the present day, made up as they are of a multitudinous throng of robbers, thieves, and consummate adulterers and adulteresses.

Experientiae Spirituales 3871 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3871. Praeterea per totam noctem infestatus sum a permultis talibus et pessimis aliis, quibus circumdatus, ut spiritus inciperent desperare, num possem liberari ab iis, dixerunt quod a Domino tutatus per totam noctem, nam pessimi erant, sicut qui nunc descripti, tum qui sub occipitio habitant, tum qui spurcum et sensum communem naturalem hodie referunt, ita a turba permulta praedonum, latronum et summe adulterorum, et adulterarum.

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