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《灵界经历》 第3872节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3872

3872. About the kingdom of the Lord

A certain one who had been more powerful than others in bodily life retained in the other life the disposition of wanting to be in charge. He was told that he is now in a different kingdom that is eternal, and that the authority he had possessed on earth had also expired and died at his decease, and that now nothing else counts but what is according to goodness and truth, and according to the mercy of the Lord in which he is enveloped. Just as on earth almost no one is esteemed except on account of wealth, and on account of favor with the leading person, so in this Kingdom, riches are goodness and truth, and favor with the leader is the mercy of the Lord. If he wishes to command differently, he is a rebel, for he is in the Kingdom of another. Thus gently admonished, he now does not speak much.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3872


A certain one who during the life of the body, had been distinguished for power, retained in the other life his disposition to domineer, to whom it was said that he was now in another kingdom, and that the authority which he possessed on earth expired and became dead when he himself died, and that now no one was estimated otherwise than according to goodness and truth, and according to the mercy of the Lord, in which he might be; just as on earth no one is estimated except on account of his riches and of his favor with the prince. Thus also in this kingdom, the riches are goodness and truth, and favor with the prince is the mercy of the Lord. If he wished to govern in any other way, he was a rebel, for he was in the kingdom of another. Being thus gently admonished, he now says but little.

Experientiae Spirituales 3872 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3872. De regno Domini

Quidam qui in vita corporis potens prae aliis, in altera vita retinuit, quod etiam imperare vellet, cui dictum, quod in alio regno sit, quod aeternum, et quod imperium ejus in terra cum mortuus, etiam exspiravit et mortuum est, et quod nunc non aestimatur quicquam quam secundum bonum et verum, et secundum misericordiam, Domini, in qua sit, sicut in terra, quod nullus fere aestimatur nisi propter opes, et propter gratiam apud principem, similiter in hoc Regno, opes hic sunt bonum et verum, et gratia apud principem est misericordia Domini: si aliter velit imperare, quod rebellis sit, nam in alius Regno est: ita parum admonitus non multa nunc loquitur.

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