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《灵界经历》 第3874节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3874

3874. About a beautiful bird - The inhabitants of Mars

It was shown that the beautiful bird symbolizes the inhabitants of Mars, with whom I spoke on that day, saying that he who rose up through the loins even to the chest, insisting persuasively that he was the Lord, and picked up the bird and presently let it go free [Gen. 2:24]. And since with the inhabitants of this earth the knowledge of what marriage love is has been almost blotted out,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3874


It was shown that a beautiful bird signifies the inhabitants of Mars, with whom I spoke on that day, [and learned] that he who arose through the loins, even to the breast, and tried to persuade [me] that he was the Lord, and took away the bird and presently set him free, are those who think themselves in the knowledges of true faith, for the Lord is in the goods and truths of faith. From these they are persuaded and know that they are in the Lord. They said that they were not in knowledges, but in affections; but it was given to say that [they were] of affections which involve knowledges, as humiliation involves in it that [in itself] it is nothing, but that the Lord is everything. Affection or love towards a wife implies in its own nature that conjugial love is the principal of all loves, for genuine conjugial love implies all knowledges, not only concerning conjugal love, but concerning all other [loves] thence derived in order, thus love towards children, as appears also from the [marriage] institution.

Experientiae Spirituales 3874 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3874. De pulchra ave, Martis incolae

Ostensum quod pulchra avis significet Martis incolas, cum quibus die illa loquutus, quod is qui assurgebat per lumbos usque ad pectus, et persuasit quod esset Dominus, et sustulit avem, et mox eam liberam misit [3246-3252], sint ii, qui putant se esse in verae fidei cognitionibus, nam Dominus est in bonis et veris fidei, ex iis persuadentur et norunt, quod sint in Domino, dicebant quod non in cognitionibus sed in affectionibus, dicere datum, quod ex affectionibus quae cognitiones habent, sicut humiliatio secum habet quod nihil sit, Dominus sit omne; affectio seu amor erga conjugem, habet secum quod amor conjugialis sit principalis amorum omnium, nam genuinus amor conjugialis secum habet omnes cognitiones de amore conjugiali non solum, sed etiam caeteros inde ordine derivatos; ita erga liberos, sicut constat quoque ex institutione, et quia apud hujus telluris incolas obliteratum paene

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