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《灵界经历》 第3882节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3882

3882. What that mental imagery is like, I have also been taught by them - namely, because they speak with the lips, by most complicated foldings of the lips, best known to those who engage in such speech, and because they see the distinct foldings and shapes in the lips, as well as their minutest motions, applications of the tongue, its tip especially, all of which, numerous as they are, and unknown to the inhabitants of our earth - they have formed their mental imagery from that source, and only while thinking do they portray those simple, and more and more composite ones (which is evident from the speech of words, in which there are also such simple, and variously composite forms, to which the tongue, the palate, the nostrils, the lips adapt themselves). But the inhabitants of Mars have still more subtle forms, because their speech is one of the lips, and thus far richer than the speech of words. These forms they create whenever they present their own mental imagery, and then when they are speaking they exercise the greatest care lest some mental image of thought be present, which they know how to remove skillfully, so that there is a mere portrayal of things without any thoughtful idea that would enable others to understand at once.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3882

3882. I was instructed by them also in the quality of those ideas, namely, that inasmuch as they speak by the lips, that is, by the extremely various folds of the lips, it is thus perfectly well known to them who are in such speech, as they see the diversities of the foldings and forms in the lips, as also their minutest motions, with the appliances of the tongue, particularly its tip, all which, numerous as they are, concur [to the effect], and which cannot be known to the inhabitants of our earth. They have thence [i.e. from the earth and its objects] formed to themselves ideas, and only while they are thinking do they represent such forms, whether simple or more and more compound, (:which may appear from the speech of words, wherein are such simple and variously compounded forms, according to which the tongue, the palate, the nostrils, the lips, accommodate themselves:); but the forms of the inhabitants of Mars are still more subtle, because their speech is that of the lips, and much fuller than the speech of words. There are artificial forms of this kind [which they use] as often as they present their ideas, and then when they speak they exercise the greatest caution lest there should be [in it] any idea of thought, which they try skillfully to remove, so that it might be a mere representation of such things, without any idea of thought, from which others would immediately understand them.

Experientiae Spirituales 3882 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3882. Quales ideae istae sunt ab iis quoque instructus, nempe quia loquuntur per labia, ex labiorum plicationibus diversissimis, iis optime sic cognitis, qui in tali loquela, et [quia] vident discrimina plicationum, et formarum in labiis, tum quoque plicationis motiunculas, applicationes linguae, ejus apicis, imprimis, quae concurrunt, quae sunt perplura, quae non possunt hujus telluris incolis esse nota, inde formarunt sibi ideas, et solum dum cogitant, repraesentant tales formas simplices, compositas magis et magis, (quod constare potest ex loquela vocum, in qua quoque formae tales simplices et varie compositae sunt, secundum quas lingua, palatum, nares, labia se accommodant), sed incolarum Martis adhuc subtiliores formae sunt, quia loquela eorum est labiorum, et plenior sic multo loquela vocum, sunt tales formae artificiales, quoties sistunt ideas suas, et tunc cum loquuntur, cavent quam maxime, ne idea cogitationis quaedam adsit, quas sciunt apte removere, sic ut sit mera repraesentatio talium, absque idea cogitationis, ex qua alii intelligunt illico,

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