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《灵界经历》 第3881节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3881

3881. I was instructed by angels, through spirits, that these were inhabitants of Mars so speaking among themselves that no spirit could understand. They themselves also instructed me that they have a way of speaking among themselves that no spirit can understand, so that when other spirits want to understand what they are saying, then they speak in this way among themselves, and when those other spirits do not understand it, they go away. But I was surprised that that such a language could exist, since every language whatever still has mental imagery adjoined, for I had thought that speech without mental imagery did not exist. They said that in that speech there is mental imagery formed in a certain way that is not intelligible to others, so they take care that there should be nothing of affection in it, for if there is anything of feeling, then it is at once understood, but they speak in an imagery devoid of feeling.

[2] (I now realize that this also is a habit that is not good, for to speak without feeling is also the bird of pearl. When there is not feeling, there is not life, even if there seems to be life, and the bird thus is able to fly. For a bird symbolizes the thinking, a bird of pearl, thinking without feeling. I also realize that inhabitants of Mars induced this speech upon themselves, who have higher knowledge and have receded from affection, which is the principle quality, so that they speak accordingly - thus from thought and not from feeling: which is the bird of pearl.)

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3881

3881. From the angels, through spirits, I was instructed that they were the inhabitants of Mars, who so spoke with each other, that no spirit could understand them. They informed me that they have such a speech among themselves that no spirit can understand it, wherefore when they are unwilling that others should perceive what they say, they then discourse together in this manner, and others, when they do not perceive its meaning withdraw. But I wondered that such a speech should be given, for every kind of speech involves ideas, without which I had not supposed that any speech was given. They replied that in that speech ideas were formed in a certain manner, which [however] were unintelligible to others; wherefore they then take care that there shall be nothing of affection [in it]; if there is anything of affection, others would thence immediately perceive its meaning. They spoke therefore from ideas thus formed without affection (:I now perceive that this is a habit which is not good, for to speak without affection is also the bird of pearl; as when there is no affection, there is no life, although there seems to be life, and thus the bird can even fly, for a bird signifies thought, and a bird of pearl thought without affection. I perceive also that the inhabitants of Mars have induced such a speech upon themselves, because they are in thoughts and have receded from affection, in which they were at first, so that they speak alike, that is, from thought, not from affection, which is the bird of pearl:)

Experientiae Spirituales 3881 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3881. Ab angelis per spiritus instructus, quod essent incolae Martis, qui sic loquerentur inter se, ut nullus spiritus posset intelligere, instruebant me etiam illi, quod talem loquelam inter se habeant, ut nullus spiritus eam possit intelligere, quare cum volunt [alii spiritus] percipere quid dicunt, tunc inter se ita loquuntur, quod cum non percipiunt, abeunt; sed miratus quod talis loquela dabilis esset, nam quaecunque loquela usque secum habet ideas, nam loquelam absque ideis non dari putavi; dicebant, quod in loquela ista sint formatae certo modo ideae, quae non intelligibiles sunt aliis, quare cavent tunc, ne aliquid affectionis sit, si aliquid affectionis, tunc illico inde percipiunt, sed loquuntur sic ideis formatis absque affectione; (nunc percipio, quod hac quoque sit habitus, qui non bonus, nam loqui absque affectione, est quoque avis margaritica, dum non affectio, non est vita, tametsi videatur esse vita, et sic usque avis volare potest, nam avis significat cogitationem, avis margaritica cogitationem absque affectione; percipio etiam [quod] Martis incolae sibi induxerint talem loquelam, qui in cognitionibus sunt, et recesserunt ab affectione, quae principium, sic ut loquantur similiter, ita ex cogitatione, non ab affectione, quod est avis margaritica).

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