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《灵界经历》 第3884节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3884

3884. When they spoke thus among themselves, it was slipped into my mind that I should think of shame, and that if the spirits of our earth were capable of being moved by shame when attacking other spirits, then I would feel shame in myself and that it would be better if they did not attack. While I was thinking this, the spirits of Mars acknowledged that this is what they had spoken of in their language which they supposed no one was able to understand, so they wondered whence it came that this had been detected. They were told that it is nonetheless understood by angels, and that it was then slipped into my thought.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3884

3884. When they thus spoke among themselves it was insinuated into me that I should think concerning shame - whether the spirits of our earth were such that they would be affected with shame, when they infest other spirits. I then became conscious of shame, [thinking] that it would be well that they should not be infested. When I thought this, the spirits of Mars acknowledged that this was what they were speaking of among themselves in their own speech, which they supposed could be understood by no one; wherefore they wondered whence it was that it was detected, to whom it was said that it was even understood by the angels, and thus insinuated into my thought.

Experientiae Spirituales 3884 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3884. Cum ita loquuti inter se, tunc insinuatum mihi, quod cogitarem, de pudore, si nostrae telluris spiritus tales essent, ut pudore afficerentur, cum infestant alios spiritus, tunc perciperem apud me pudorem, quod bene foret, ne infestentur, cum hoc cogitabam, agnoscebant Martis spiritus, quod id erat quod inter se loquuti sua loquela, quam putabant a nemine potuisse intelligi, quare mirati unde, quod hoc detectum sit, quibus dictum, quod usque intelligatur ab angelis, et quod sic in meam cogitationem insinuatum.

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