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《灵界经历》 第3885节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3885

3885. After this the spirits of Mars streamed in from a place higher up, into my face, by a perceptible inflow like very fine streaks of rain, saying that they speak this way with the inhabitants of their earth. But I was prompted to say that this inflow is from without, and that they therefore could not in this way flow into the mental imagery of the inhabitants, but they were informed that their speech was the same as it had been before, but more general, that is, that they shape their speech in the same way by variations of the face, which they portray in mental imagery among themselves generally, for where there is a particular, there is a corresponding general, so there is also a general form of this speech.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3885

3885. Afterwards the spirits of Mars flowed in from a higher place, into my face by a sensible influx like a most thin striated shower, saying that it was in this manner that they speak with the inhabitants of their earth. But it was given to say that this influx was external, and thus that they could not flow into the ideas of the inhabitants. It was, however, given to know that their speech was similar to the former but the former [speech] - that is to say, that they in like manner form to themselves a speech from the variations of the face, which they there ideally represent among themselves, for where there is a particular there is a corresponding general, thus there is a general of that speech.

Experientiae Spirituales 3885 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3885. Postea influebant spiritus Martis, e superiori loco, in faciem meam, per influxum sensibilem, instar tenuissimae pluviae striatae, dicentes quod sic loquantur cum incolis telluris suae, sed dicere dabatur, quod hic influxus est externus, et sic quod non influere possent in ideas incolarum, sed scire datum, quod similis sit loquela eorum, ac prior, sed communis prioris, quod nempe similiter sibi loquelam forment ex variationibus faciei, quas idealiter inter se repraesentant, nam ubi particulare ibi commune correspondens, sic quoque commune istius loquelae sit.

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