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《灵界经历》 第3891节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3891

3891. Because I was displeased that Dippel promulgated these things, in speaking with him I also asked who understands more - one who knows many falsities, or one who knows a little of truth? He could not give any other response than one who knows a little truth. He then wanted to reason concerning the grand human being, saying that it flows into human bodies, so he was asked how he understands it that thought, which is spiritual, moves the muscles of the whole face (and now, that it moves all the organs of speech), and that the will moves the muscles of the whole body, since the former is spiritual, but the latter physical? But he did not know what to say in reply. I spoke further about effort, whether he knew that effort produces actions, and that active forces return again into effort. He said that he did not know, so he was asked, how is it then that he wishes to reason, when he does not know the rules. For then the reasoning is like scattered dust that does not stick together - at which he was unable to reply. 1748, 6 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3891

3891. As Dippel was indignant that I should promulgate these things, I spoke with him and asked him who understood the most - he who knows many falsities, or he who knows a little truth? He could not otherwise reply than that he who possessed a little truth [knows the most]. He then wished to reason concerning the Grand Man, that he flows into human bodies; wherefore he was asked how he understood it, that thought, which is spiritual, should move the muscles of the whole face (:and now that it should control all the organs of speech:) and that the will should move the muscles of the whole body, when that is spiritual, and this corporeal; but he knew not what to reply. I spoke moreover concerning endeavor, inquiring whether he knew that endeavor produced acts, and that the active powers return again into endeavor. He said that he did not know this, wherefore he was asked how he could desire to reason when he knew not the rules, as reasoning is in that case merely as scattered dust of no coherence. He could not reply. - 1748, November 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3891 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3891. Dippel quia indignatus [ego], quod ea promulgaret, loquutus cum eo, etiam interrogavi, quis plus intelligit, qui multa falsa scit, [vel] an qui parum veri? non aliter respondere potuit, quam qui parum veri: ratiocinari dein volebat, de maximo homine, quod influat in corpora humana, quare ei dictum, quomodo id intelligit, quod cogitatio quae est spiritualis moveat faciei totius musculos, (et nunc quod omnia organa loquelae), et quod voluntas moveat musculos totius corporis, cum illud est spirituale, hoc autem corporeum? sed nesciit quid responderet: loquutus porro de conatu, num sciat quod conatus producat actus, et vires activae redeant iterum ad conatum, dixit quod hoc nesciret, quare dictum, quomodo tunc vult ratiocinari, cum ne quidem sciat regulas, tunc se habet ratiocinatio sicut pulvis sparsa, nullius cohaerentiae, nec respondere potuit. 1748, 6 Nov.

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