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《灵界经历》 第3892节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3892

3892. About Freedom

I realized, and told to a good spirit of Mars who was with me, that man is left in freedom, and if he is not reformed when he seems to be acting freely, he can in no way be reformed by means of miracles, or by being compelled and held back from evil. For what is not done freely, but by force, can by no means implant a faith that remains in the other life. This is the reason why man is permitted his freedom, and why human freedom is in no wise taken away, to his knowledge, but when he is unaware of it. But when his desires are bent by the Lord without his knowledge, then he still thinks he is free. Therefore, faith takes root in a state of freedom - which is a secret. So it is a falsity, as many imagine, that the Lord forces people to goodness, and withholds them from acting, and thus from freedom. 1748, 6 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3892


It was perceived and said to a good spirit of Mars, who was with me, that man is left in the enjoyment of his liberty, and if he cannot be reformed while he seems to himself to act in freedom, he could by no means be reformed by miracles, or by that which violently compels and withholds from evil; for that which is not free, or which is compelled, never inseminates a faith which will remain in the other life. It is for this reason that man is left to his own free will, and that his liberty is in no degree taken from him, as far as he knows; but while he remains ignorant that his cupidities are swayed by the Lord, he then supposes himself free; wherefore faith is irradicated in liberty, which is an arcanum. Consequently that is false which many suppose, that the Lord, compels men to good, and withholds them from actuality, thus from liberty. - 1748, November 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3892 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3892. De Libertate

Perceptum, et dictum Martis spiritui bono, qui apud me, quod homini relinquatur sua libertas, et si non reformari queat dum libere agere sibi videtur, nequaquam reformari potest per miracula, aut per id quod vi cogatur, et detineatur a malo, nam quod non liberum seu quod coactum, hoc nusquam inseminat fidem, quae maneat in altera vita, quae causa est, quod homini suum liberum permittatur, et quod libertas hominis nullatenus auferatur, quantum novit, at cum non novit, ut dum cupiditates flectuntur a Domino, eo nesciente, tunc usque putat quod liberum, quare in libertate irradicatur fides, quod est arcanum; quare falsum est, quod plures putant, quod Dominus cogeret homines ad bonum, et arceret ab actualitate, sic a libertate. 1748, 6 Nov.

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