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《灵界经历》 第3893节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3893

3893. About evil spirits

A Martian angelic spirit who was with me, when he saw that so many evils were being brought into my thought by evil spirits - because having a more refined perception it was granted him to see how abundantly evil spirits stream in - was surprised to observe from all sides their efforts to bring in evil, but which do not come to my perception. I was aware that there were efforts toward evil coming from the aura round about, but that they were being prevented by the Lord from flowing in, thus that there is a constant inflow of evils from the spirits around me. Therefore, if it were not for the Lord's protection every least moment, I would perish, along with all the people of this earth. 1748, 6 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3893


An angelic spirit of Mars, who was with me, when he perceived that so many things were conveyed by evil spirits into my thoughts, from being in more subtle perception, it was given him to perceive to what degree evil spirits flow in, and he wondered that he should perceive from every side the efforts to infuse evil, but because they do not come to my perception, I observe that these effects of evil are from a sphere diffused around - which however the Lord prevents from flowing in - so that I am surrounded by the continual influxes of evils from the spirits about me; wherefore if the Lord did not put forth his protection, not only I, but all the men of the earth, would be liable every single moment to perish. - 1748, November 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 3893 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3893. De malis spiritibus

Martis spiritus angelicus apud me, cum percepit, quod tam multa a malis spiritibus inferrentur in cogitationem meam, quia in perceptione subtiliori, ei datum est percipere, quantum influunt mali spiritus, et miratus, quod abundique percipiat conatus malum inferendi, sed qui ad meam perceptionem non veniunt, percepi quod a sphaera circumcirca sint conatus mali, sed quod a Domino arceantur influere, sic ut sit malorum influxus continuus a spiritibus circum me; quare si Dominus non tutaretur, quod quolibet minimo momento perirem, ita omnes homines hujus telluris. 1748, 6 Nov.

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