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《灵界经历》 第3895节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3895

3895. About extremely Lewd girls

Onto my head there drifted certain female spirits, causing a pleasant wavy sensation on my head, working from the forehead up to the middle of the head. Who the spirits were I did not know. Then they appeared a naked, snowy white, symbolizing that they were innocent, for the innocent are displayed as a naked, snowy white, as also are those females who are not innocent when in a state in which they imagine themselves to be innocent.

[2] When they noticed that other spirits were present, they then began first to act on the head, as if with many hands, then turning their body around from right to left and from left to right, like a cylinder, then also wheeling themselves around horizontally like a wagon, these movements meaning that they wanted to exhibit themselves as innocent before the eyes of those who were there, and then withdraw themselves from their sight. For it is their mental imagery that is thus portrayed and the fact that in the sight of others they were displaying themselves as entirely innocent. But when they were still attacked by other spirits, they tore themselves away from their company by their customary bodily plunges, and thus extricated themselves from their society. And when the attacking spirits persisted even more, they turned themselves upside down and finally disentangled themselves from their company.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3895


Certain female spirits flowed in numbers with a sufficiently pleasant undulation above my head, acting from the forehead upwards towards the middle [of the head], I being ignorant in the meantime what spirits they were. They then appeared nude and of a snowy whiteness, which signified that they were innocent, for those of such appearance are exhibited as innocent; and so also are those who are not innocent, while [yet] they are in such a state as to deem themselves innocent. When other spirits were present, and the fact was observed by them, they at first began to act as with their hands upon the head; presently they turned the body around from the right to the left, and from the left to the right like a cylinder; then they rolled themselves about horizontally, as is usual in the St. Vitus' Dance; which signified that they wished to exhibit themselves as innocent before the eyes of those who were present, and thus to withdraw themselves from their sight; for it is their ideas which are thus represented, inasmuch as they would fain present themselves to the view of others as altogether innocent. But when they continued to be infested by other spirits, they then suddenly withdrew from their company, by means of their accustomed bodily projections, and thus extricated themselves from their society; and when such [infesting] spirits pressed on more and more, they inverted themselves, with their feet upwards and their heads downwards, and thus effected their liberation from their presence.

Experientiae Spirituales 3895 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3895. De puellis Lascivissimis

Super caput meum alluebant quaedam cum satis dulci undulatione super caput, agentes a frontispicio super caput ad medium: quinam spiritus essent nesciens; tunc apparebant niveae nudae, quod significaret, quod essent innocentes, nam niveae nudae sistuntur innocentes, tum quae non innocentes, dum in statu sunt quod putent se esse: cum spiritus alii adessent, et observatum ab iis, tunc primum quasi manibus multis agebant in caput, mox corpus suum circumvertebant a dextro ad sinistrum et a sinistro ad dextrum sicut cylindrum, tum quoque circumrotabant se horizontaliter sicut solet vehiculum, quae significabant quod se innocentes vellent exhibere coram oculis aliorum qui aderant, et sic se ab eorum conspectu abducere, nam sunt ideae earum quae sic repraesentantur, et quidem quod in conspectu aliorum sisterent se innocentes prorsus: cum vero infestarentur usque ab aliis spiritibus, tunc eripiebant se a consortio eorum, per projectiones corporis solitas, sicut alioquin, ita se extricabant e societate eorum: et cum instarent adhuc magis spiritus tales, invertebant se pedibus sursum, et capite deorsum, ita se ab eorum consortio tandem extricantes.

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