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《灵界经历》 第3896节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3896

3896. They removed themselves to the rear, saying they wanted to have nothing to do with men, and had had nothing to do with men, but that they had lived among themselves without men. But spirits who had been such in life that they burned for nothing more intensely than to have those whom they thought innocent, such as chaste virgins, and women who dwelt in monasteries, were present, and their ardor was then felt, which was more intense than that of others. When they only heard that innocents were present, they were set afire. It is this kind who are then kindled, so that only hearing they are innocent, they desire them the most. For this reason also, such women are pursued by men more than others, which is also the reason they pass themselves off as innocent, that is, so that they will be prized above others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3896

3896. They removed themselves to the rear, saying they neither had had nor wished to have anything to do with men, but that they had lived among themselves without men. But a class of spirits were present who had been such during their lives that they burned with an intense passion for those whom they esteemed innocent, such as chaste virgins, and those who dwell in monasteries; and the ardor of their passion was then perceived, which was greater than that of others, so that when they only heard that they were innocent, they became inflamed, for they are such as are liable to be greatly excited by the mere mention of [female] innocence, as such are more eagerly sought by men than others, which is the cause also that such [wanton ones] feign themselves innocent that they may be prized above others.

Experientiae Spirituales 3896 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3896. Removebant se a tergo, dicentes quod nullam rem habere velint cum viris, et quod non habuerint cum viris, sed quod inter semet vixerant absque viris, verum spiritus qui tales fuerunt in vita, ut nihil plus arserint quam quas innocentes putant, sicut castas virgines, tum quae in monasteriis, aderant, et eorum tunc ardor sentitus, qui major erat quam aliorum, cum audirent modo quod innocentes essent, tunc accensi, sunt tales qui tunc accenduntur, et modo quod innocentes, cupiunt maxime; quare etiam tales sectantur a viris prae aliis; quae causa est quoque quod innocentes se faciant, nempe ut prae caeteris aestimentur.

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