3908. It has been observed, and said, that those who have enjoyed happiness from marriage during bodily life, and have lived in a state of marriage love, enjoy happiness in the other life also, so that the happiness of their life in the world is happiness in the other life; while those who have lived unhappy in marriage, holding their partners in contempt, aversion, hatred - they become unhappy in the other life also. 1748, 8 Nov.
3908. It was observed and said that those who have enjoyed bodily felicity from wedlock, and have lived in conjugial love, that they have felicity also in the other life, so that the felicity of their life in the world is felicity in the other life; but that those who have lived in conjugial infelicity, from holding their partners in contempt, aversion, and hatred, that they are unhappy in the other life also. - 1748, November 8.
3908. Observatum et dictum, [quod] qui felicitatem in vita corporis habuerint, ex conjugio, quod vixerint in amore conjugiali, ii in altera vita quoque felicitatem habeant; sic ut felicitas vitae eorum in mundo sit felicitas in altera vita; at qui in conjugio vixerunt infelices in eo quod contra conjuges in contemtu, aversatione, odio, ii in altera vita quoque infelices fiunt. 1748, 8 Nov.