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《灵界经历》 第3916节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3916

3916. About parables

I remember having heard on one occasion the speech of angels and of angelic spirits having fallen into parables, something that I did not take notice of at the time; also that it fell into portrayals of gardens, such as a garden of fig trees, and others, in dreams; also on occasion into [visions of] feasts, so that I would see people eating together - this several times - all of which I am permitted to mention here so that it may be known that the mental imagery of angels and angelic spirits have been portrayed in this way, thus falling into parables, gardens, and feasts, about which the Lord so often spoke, and to which He figuratively compared heaven. 1748, 9 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3916


I recollect of having perceived, on a former occasion, that the speech of angels and angelic spirits fell into parables - a fact, however, which I did not then observe; as also that they fell into representations of gardens, fig-trees, and other things [usually seen] in dreams; so likewise, into feasts, as I saw them eating together, and this on several occasions, which it is here proper to mention, in order to its being known that the ideas of angels and angelic spirits are thus represented, and fall thus into parables, representations of gardens, and feasts, concerning which the Lord so often speaks in his discourses, and to which he so significantly likens [the things of] heaven. - 1748, November 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 3916 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3916. De parabolis

Recordor, quod quondam perceperim loquelam angelorum et spirituum angelicorum, in parabolas cecidisse, quod tunc non observabam; tum quod ceciderint in repraesentationes hortorum, ut ficuum, et aliorum, in somniis; tum quod passim in convivia, ut viderem comedentes simul, et hoc aliquoties, quod hic memorare licet, ut sciatur quod angelorum et spirituum angelicorum ideae ita repraesentatae sint, et sic quod in parabolas, repraesentationes hortorum, et convivia cadant, de quibus toties Dominus, quibus coelum assimilavit et significavit. 1748, 9 Nov.

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