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《灵界经历》 第3918节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3918

3918. In man there is nothing true

Scientific [truths] were portrayed to me by variations of a form, and falsity by a twisting back of those variations. While I was absorbed in this portrayal, certain spirits at that time were maintaining that in man also an aptitude for truth should exist, and that thus variations of form also proper to man could exist, by means of a progression forward, portraying truth. While some spirits were of the conviction that truth can exist as man's own, others [thought] that then the variations of form could be led forward by the Lord, into which His life would flow, and that then truth would be displayed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3918


Scientifics were represented to me by variations of form, and [a representation] of the false [was effected] by a twisting backwards of the same forms. When I was in this kind of representation, certain spirits would fain have it that an aptitude for truth was given with man, and that thus variations of form appropriate to man could be given by progression forward, whereby the true was represented. While the spirits were in the persuasion that the true could also be given as the proprium of man, others held that variations of form could thus be [derived] from the Lord, and evolved forwards, into which His life should flow, and thus the true be plainly set forth.

Experientiae Spirituales 3918 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3918. Quod in homine nihil verum

Apud me repraesentata sunt scientifica per variationes formae, et falsi per retorsionem earum, cum in tali repraesentatione essem, tunc spiritus quidam volebant, quod penes hominem quoque aptitudo ad verum daretur, et quod sic variationes formae quoque hominis propriae dari possent per progressionem antrorsum, quo repraesentabatur verum; cum spiritus in persuasione essent, quod verum quoque dari queat ut hominis proprium, alii quod a Domino antrorsum sic variationes formae possent duci, in quas Ipsius vita influeret, et sic verum sisteretur,

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