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《灵界经历》 第3920节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3920

3920. I was also instructed that the more variations of form verge backward, so much the more falsity is symbolized, and that in bodily life, at the point to which one leads oneself backwards, there one remains after death; and that one is not led forward to lesser evil, thus more forward, where there is also evil, but is reformed to a point where one can make a stand in one's least evil, or be held there by the Lord, and thus be affected by truth and goodness. Therefore it was portrayed to me earlier that a spirit is kept hanging above evil, and thus affected by truth and goodness. To the degree that he is let go, to that degree he casts himself headlong into evil, so it is only a state of being held away from evil, which is brought about by means of purgings, enabling him to be held away from evil, and then in that state, the truth and goodness of the Lord flow in. This I experienced today, and now and then before.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3920

3920. I was moreover instructed that in proportion as the variations of form are more [retorted] backwards, the more false is the evil signified thereby; and that to whatever point it is retroverted in the life of the body, there it remains after death, and he is not led forth to less evil, and consequently more forwards, where there is also evil, but that a reformation takes place to such a degree that [the man] can subsist in the least of his evil, and be there held by the Lord, and thus affected with truth and good. Wherefore it was previously represented to me that a spirit might be held suspended, as it were, from his evil, and thus be affected with truth and good, though as far as there is any relaxation, so far he precipitates himself into evil. It is therefore solely a detention from evil [that keeps him back], and this is effected by vastations, with a view to his being withheld from evil, and thus brought into a state in which truth and good from the Lord can flow in. This I have today, and often before, experienced.

Experientiae Spirituales 3920 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3920. Instructus porro, quod variationes formae quo magis retrorsum, eo significetur tantum magis falsum, et quod in vita corporis, quo retroduxit se, ibi manet post mortem, et quod non ad minus malum, proinde antrorsum magis, ubi etiam est malum, producatur, sed quod reformetur ita, ut subsistere possit in suo minimo mali, aut ibi teneri, a Domino, et sic affici vero et bono, quare mihi prius repraesentatum, quod spiritus sicut suspensus teneatur a malo, ut sic afficiatur vero et bono, quantum ideo remittitur, tantum praecipitat se in malum, quare est solum detentio a malo, quae inducitur per vastationes, ut possit sic detineri a malo, et sic in eo statu, verum et bonum Domini influit. Quod etiam hodie expertus, et passim prius.

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