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《灵界经历》 第3922节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3922

3922. About lewd [spirits]

There are lewd spirits whose only purpose is lewdness. When they have wives, they do not care for marriages except for lascivious reasons, which are their motivation. So in their marriages they do not desire little children because then with a pregnant wife they cannot carry on in lascivious gratification, for motivation rules in all things. Therefore they are also prone to engage in lewd activities outside of those which they have with their wives, which they practice in shameful ways, and thus pervert and carry into lewd indulgence those females who would otherwise become good wives. When lascivious men cannot be with the wife, they become disgusted with her, and carry on with whores, and so also do their wives become whores, caring nothing for the marital debt, nor for the procreation of offspring, being thus prone to harlotry. They fear being with the partners of other men, both because they have acquired a disgust for a wife - so they loathe wives - and because they persuade themselves that they are of the same kind. But harlotry in a marriage they consider to be nothing, if only they can practice their lewdness, and they do not care at all that their wives are of the same kind. They dwell overhead quite high up, a little toward the back. They operate into the glans penis, which they inflame and inflict with pain. I spoke with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3922


There are lascivious ones, who have lasciviousness solely for an end. Though having wives, they care nothing for the married state except in reference to the passion which is their end. For the same reason they desire not children in wedlock, because the situation of a wife, with such a prospect, forbids the gratification which, as an end, rules everything. They are therefore prone to sexual indulgences beyond those which are lawful with a wife, which they practice in base modes, and thus pervert those who would otherwise make good wives, and bear them away into lascivious habits. And when such lascivious ones cannot cohabit with a wife, they loathe her, and give themselves up to wantonness with harlots, thereby causing their wives to become harlots, utterly regardless of the conjugial debt and of the procreation of offspring. Being thus prone to licentiousness, they dread to be with other men's' wives, both because they have contracted a disgust for a wife, and loathe all wives, and because they persuade themselves that these are also of the same quality. As they, moreover, make no account of lawless lust in the marriage state, provided only they can indulge their vile passions, they care nothing if their wives become as depraved as themselves. These abide somewhat high above the head a little in the rear; they operate upon a part of the sexual organs, which they inflame and act with pain. With these I spoke.

Experientiae Spirituales 3922 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3922. De lascivis

Sunt lascivi, qui pro fine solum habent lasciviam, uxores cum habent, non curant conjugia [nisi] solum lasciviae causa, quae finis eorum, in conjugiis sic infantes non cupiunt, quia tunc uxor gravida non possunt lascive cum ea degere, nam finis regit omnia; quare etiam proni sunt ad lascivias extra eas quas habent cum uxoribus, quas exercent turpibus modis, et sic eas, quae alioquin fierent uxores bonae, pervertunt et ad lascivias auferunt; cum lascivi nequeunt esse cum uxore, tunc eam nauseant, et cum scortis lascive degunt, ita quoque uxores eorum scorta fiunt, nihil curantes debitum conjugiale, nec procreationem sobolis, ita faciles ad meretricatus; timent cum aliorum conjugibus, tam quia nauseam acceperunt ex uxore, quare uxores fastidiunt, quia etiam [eae] tales quoque esse sibi persuadent, sed meretricatus in conjugio pro nihilo aestimant, modo lascivias exercere possint, et nihil curant quod uxores eorum etiam tales sint. Ii supra caput satis alte sed retrorsum paulum habitant: operantur in bulbum penis, quem incendunt, et ei dolorem infligunt, cum iis loquutus.

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