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《灵界经历》 第3923节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3923

3923. Wives of this kind, whose only purpose is lasciviousness, also appeared, one in a kitchen-like place, in which I saw no fireplace, but noticed a dark chimney. I saw her back, her hand stretched out toward the left buttock. She was clothed in a dark garment of grayish brown. Lewd spirits bearing deceit and malice in their minds, call such women into their company, and by their means contrive their deceptions and wicked acts. And because they had toiled at their deceptions and malice, I saw how they in fantasies brought forth little children, and placed them in the bed of another, who took delight in little children, and then poured in fantasies as if that person were the husband, thus arousing to illicit lying together. This all shows that they are not only malicious, but also foully deceptive in wanting to use the innocent to engineer their tricks.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3923

3923. Wives of this quality, who make licentiousness an end, were also seen, particularly one who appeared in a kind of kitchen apartment. I saw no fire-place, but I perceived an obscure-looking chimney; I saw also the back of a person with a hand extended posteriorly towards the left. She was clothed with a simple garment of dark gray color. Lascivious males, who bear deceits and malice in their minds, invite such to their companionship, and by their means devise their deceitful and malicious plots; and because they plotted deceits and malignities, they contrived how they might produce infants by phantasies, and place them in the bed of another who was delighted with infants, and thus might infuse the phantasy of his being a husband, and that he too might thus incite [some female] to illicit cohabitation; from which it appeared that they were not only malignities, but basely deceitful, as thus wishing by means of the innocent to execute their wily machinations.

Experientiae Spirituales 3923 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3923. Tales uxores, quae solum pro fine habent lascivias, visae quoque, una in culinarii quasi loco, focum non vidi, sed percepi quod caminus obscurus, tergum vidi, [ea] manum exporrigens versus partem clunis sinistrae, vestita obscura veste grisea brunea: ii qui lascivi sunt, cum dolos et malitias animo gerunt, vocant tales in consortium, et per eas suos dolos et malitias moliuntur; et quia dolos et malitias moliti sunt, [vidi] quomodo phantasiis producerent infantes, et collocarent in lecto alius, qui delectabatur infantibus, et sic phantasias infunderent quod esset maritus, et sic incitarent ad concubitum illicitum; ex quibus constabat, quod non solum malitiae sunt, sed etiam dolosi foede, ut per innocentes sic vellent dolos machinari.

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