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《灵界经历》 第3928节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3928

3928. Those who were punished were the ones most high overhead, who called themselves chiefs, popes, and holy spirit, and who were indignant to an extreme when I told them they are deceits and malignities, and that whoever they had been in bodily life, since they are deceits and malignities, they are now among such ones as themselves, and the most vile, whom they would cast out as criminals. So since they perpetrate such things, that is their lot, because in the other life there is no respect of persons; for everyone's quality is seen from the things that are in them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3928

3928. Those who were punished were those who were very high above the head and called themselves princes, popes, and the Holy Spirit, and who were extremely indignant when I said to them that they were deceits and malignities, and that whoever they might have been in the life of the body, [yet] since they were deceits and malignities, they are among their like, and even the vilest of them, and such as they themselves would reject as base wretches. Wherefore those that perpetrate such things are of such a quality [as above described], because in the other life there is no respect of persons, [but] the quality of everyone is regarded or determined from those things which are with [or in] him.

Experientiae Spirituales 3928 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3928. Qui puniti, erant ii qui altissime supra caput, qui se vocabant principes, papas, et spiritum sanctum, et qui summe indignati, cum dicerem iis quod sint doli et malitiae, et quicunque fuissent in vita corporis, quod cum doli et malitiae, inter tales sunt, et vilissimi, quos ii rejicerent ut maleficos, quare ii cum talia patrant, tales sunt, quia in altera vita nullus est respectus personarum, spectatur [quisque] ex iis quae apud eum qualis est.

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