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《灵界经历》 第3927节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 3927

3927. After sleeping, when I had a dream about some golden coins lost in a purse, which I looked for but was unable to find, I did find some other golden articles, but not the coins. A boy came and showed that he had some golden coins, whom I could not suspect of having taken them.

Having awakened, I heard how they who had been of that character were punished by such severe punishments of being folded, that they were driven back from the subtle state in which they had been, into a most crude one, and then grossly annoyed by the punishing spirits, by being forced to speak crudely, and by being filled with resistance, and then being tormented to make them comply, even contrary to their own deceptions.

[2] Then they were even folded over, or were broken by being folded and torn to pieces as to all their bodily parts in succession, from the chest down to the feet. It was said that [the punishers] did not treat their head in this manner, and I saw that the reason was that their head was hard and bony, and if treated in this way it would break. Therefore, those who had imagined themselves to be the most refined and by far the most subtle, were reduced to such grossness that they could not speak except most crudely, and they who, being spirits, were almost without bodies were nonetheless corporeal, so that they could then feel pain and other sensations - of which they were convinced. The punishment proceeded from the greatest crudeness, to a lesser, and then to a more subtle kind, showing that they could thus even be punished in their mistaken idea of their own subtlety.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 3927

3927. After a sleep, in which I dreamed concerning [certain] golden coins lost in a purse, which I sought for but was unable to find, though I found other golden articles but not the coins, a boy came who showed that he had similar coins of gold, of whom I could not suspect that he had taken them away. Being then awakened I heard how they are punished by severe punishments of contortion, which are of such a nature that those subjected to them are reduced from the state of subtlety in which they were to a state of the utmost grossness or dullness. And thus they are tormented with inflictions of grossness, being reduced thereto even in their speech, and also by the infusing of a reaction, so that they were compelled under a kind of torture to comply with it, even against their own deceits. They were then also contorted, or broken and lacerated by contortions as to all their members from the breast successively to the feet. It was said that they did not treat their heads in this manner, and the reason was perceived to be, that their heads were hard and bony, and if thus treated would be broken; wherefore they that deem themselves pre-eminently subtle, are reduced to such [mental] grossness that they cannot speak except in the grossest manner, and those who are almost without bodies, like spirits, yet become corporeal, and are able to feel pains and such things in the body, a fact of which they were fully convinced. The punishment proceeded from the highest degree of grossness to a less, and so on to one still more subtle, so that it was shown that they could be punished even in their own fallacious subtlety.

Experientiae Spirituales 3927 (original Latin 1748-1764)

3927. Post somnum, in quo somnium de aureis nummis amissis in scrinio, quos inquisivi, sed [non] inveni, alia quidem aurea inveni, sed nummos non ita, puer venit, qui ostendebat, quod tales nummos aureos haberet, de quo non suspicari potui, quod is abstulerit eos, evigilatus, audivi quomodo puniti sunt per graves plicationis poenas, quae tales erant, quod redacti in statum crassissimum, a subtili in quo fuerunt, et sic a punitoribus vexati crasse, per adactiones in loquelas crasse, et infundendo renisum, et usque torquendo ut sequerentur, etiam contra eorum dolos; tunc quoque plicabantur, seu per plicationes frangebantur et lacerabantur quoad omnia membra a pectore successive ad pedes, dictum quod caput eorum non ita tractarent, perceptum quod ideo, quia caput eorum est durum osseum, quod si ita tractaretur, frangeretur, quare ii qui putabant se subtilissimos esse, et prae aliis subtilissimos, quod redigerentur in talem crassitudinem, ut non possent nisi crassissime loqui, et qui absque fere corporibus ut spiritus, quod usque corporei, ut corpore sic sentire dolores et talia possent, de quo convicti sunt: punitio succedebat a summa crassitie, ad minorem, et sic ad subtiliorem, ostensum quod sic quoque puniri possent in subtilitate quoque sua fallaci.

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