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《灵界经历》 第393节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 393

393. After they have become disgusted with this life of repeated lacerations and attacks, then they are transferred into a better condition, and indeed, as it seems to them, into human bodies, but having faces of monkeys or apes, which they can turn forward or backward, and thus look all around them to see that no harm befalls them from their enemies, whom they had fled. Then they live in beautiful houses, like small palaces, and after they have passed through this life, they vanish, because their purging is then completed and they have entirely forgotten their former life in the world, thus their idol worship, and they are instructed, then renewed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 393

393. After they have became wearied with that life, from the frequent butcheries and infestations, they are then transmitted into a better state, so that they seem to themselves to be in human bodies, indeed, but their faces are those of monkeys or apes [singarum vel apinior], which can be turned forwards and backwards, and thus they can look around them lest any injury should happen to them from the enemies from whom they flee. They then inhabit beautiful houses and as it were little palaces: and after they have passed their time in this kind of life, they vanish, for their vastation is then completed, and they entirely forget their former life in the world, thus their idolatry; and they are also instructed and thus renewed.

Experientiae Spirituales 393 (original Latin 1748-1764)

393. Postquam taedio istius vitae ex crebris lanienis et infestationibus affecti sunt, tunc in meliorem statum transmittuntur, et quidem ut sibi videntur in corpora humana, sed facies singarum 1

{b}, vel apiniors 2

, qui antrorsum et retrorsum flecti possint, et sic se circumspicere, ne quid damni iis accidat, ab hostibus, quos fugerant, tunc pulchras inhabitant domos, et quasi parva palatia; et postquam hanc vitam degerunt, tunc evanescunt, nam tunc vastatio eorum peracta est, et ii obliti prorsus vitae prioris, in mundo, ita idololatriae, ac instruuntur, sic renovantur.


1. = simiarum (vox post-classica ex gallica singe)

2. The Manuscript has apinior

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